
preg_replace multiple instances on 1 line?

I have text like this from poker software (I have highlighted the parts I need to replace). --- FLOP --- [Jh 9h Ah] driverseati checks darrington has 15 seconds left to act darrington bets 100 InvisibleEnigma calls 100 driverseati folds --- TURN --- [Jh 9h Ah] [3c] darrington bets 200 InvisibleEnigma calls 200 --- R...

RegEx Whitelist Problem

I'm a little confused. I am running all my inputs through a basic sanitize function I write to only allow certain characters, but characters such as [] are still being allowed. function sanitize($input) { $pattern = "/[^a-zA-z0-9_-]/"; $filtered = preg_replace($pattern, "", $input); return $filtered;} Any idea why it's doing that? ...

replace ereg_replace with preg_replace

Hi need to change the function ereg_replace("[\]", "", $theData) to preg_replace ...

PHP Replace Variables in URL

Hello, I wondered if it was possible to rewrite a URL so designed for the rewrite wrote in htaccess e.g. I have the URL: But I want to change the URL to: m/page/5/something This is just for the href, the htaccess bit is solved. ...

Help with a preg_replace

I'm trying to convert URLs, but not if they come after src=". So far, I have this... return preg_replace('@(?!^src=")(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.-]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>', $s); It converts the URL, but even if it is before src=" ...

preg_replace /e and array

why this code does not work ? $mx['foo'] = "vvv"; $string = "foo is foobar, baz is widgets"; echo preg_replace("/(foo)/ei", "$mx[('\\1')]", $string ); the output must like this vvv is vvvbar, baz is widgets ...

Regex for space, but not escaped spaces.

I am parsing the input of ls -lb and trying to put each field into an array in PHP. My input looks something like this: -rwx------ 1 users 546879 2008-09-05 09:23 Newspaper_Templates.pdf -rwx------ 1 users 403968 2009-01-12 14:16 P2_05.ppt -rwx------ 1 users 144896 2009-01-12 14:08 P2.5_Using_CRO...

preg_replace help

Hi everyone, I'm trying to replace video{79345394} (random number inside the brackets) with a link. So far I have... preg_replace('@video[{]([0-9])[}]@', $language[61].'<br /><a href="javascript:videoWith($1);">'.$language[62].'</a>', $chat_message); It doesn't seem to be working, so help is very much appreciated! ...

PHP preg_replace making regex optional?

Hi, I have some content that I am trying to parse... I have html and with in the html I want to replace all my img tags with a custom string. Now one of the problems I have is that some content that comes in: the image tags is between a anchor. ex. <a href="link"><img></a> The following code I have works...but I want it to be option...

Unknown modifier '/' error in PHP

preg_replace('/http:///ftp:///', 'https://', $value); http:// and ftp:// inside $value should be replaced with https:// This code gives error: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Unknown modifier '/' What is a true regex for this task? ...

What's the best way to re-process HTML into a single-line string in PHP?

I'm working on a WordPress plugin that exports posts and associated data into a tab-seperated text format. It's almost finished, but I'm struggling to find the best method to re-process HTML into single strings. I'm using a combination of preg_replace and htmlentities, but it's getting a little messy. I'm sure there must be a preferred...

Use Reg Expression to reformat image in RSS feed

I am creating some RSS feeds using PHP (5.2) from a MySQL db specifically for an iPhone app I am making through AppMakr. They are taken from articles on a website which contain images embedded in them, however in the feeds they don't look great. What I want to try and do is whenever there is an image surround it in <p> so they are on th...

Replacing words in php with preg_replace in a given div area

want to replace some words on the fly on my website. $pattern = '/\bWord\b/i'; $content = preg_replace($pattern,'Replacement',$content); That works so far. But now i want only change the the words which are inside div id="content" How do i do that? ...

preg_replace of "Word" in a sentence and "Word." on the end of a sentence

Hi, i want to preg_replace "Word" in PHP. $ret = 'I gave my Word to you.'; $pattern = '/\bWord\b/i'; $ret = preg_replace($pattern,"Heart",$ret); // echo $ret; = "I gave my Heart to you"; This works so far. But if the sentence is "I gave you my Word." or "I gave you my Word!" it doesn't change the "Word." into "Heart....

What is the correct regex (for PHP preg_replace) to remove empty paragraph ( <p> ) tags?

I'm working in Wordpress and need to be able to remove images and empty paragraphs. So far, I've found out how to remove images without a problem. But, I then need to remove empty paragraph tags. I'm using PHP preg_replace to handle the regex functions. So, as an example, I have the string: <p style="text-align:center;"><img src="http:...

PHP: replace characters and make exceptions (preg_replace)

How do I: replace characters in a word using preg_replace() but make an exception if they are part of a certain word. replace an uppercase character with an uppercase replacement even if the replacement is lowercase and vice versa. example: $string = 'Newton, Einstein and Edison. end'; echo preg_replace('/n/i', '<b>n</b>', $st...

PHP: regex & hash key in string

How do I address special characters in Regex? @ ? # $ % %... this patten searches for a letter that comes between a prefix and a suffix. $pattern = '/((?<!\b$PREFIX)$LETTER|$LETTER(?!$SUFFIX\b))/i'; $string = 'end'; $prefix = 'e'; $letter = 'n'; $suffix = 'd'; But what if $string began with a # $string = '#end'; $prefix = ?...

ereg_replace to preg_replace for a particular regex

I've converted some eregs to preg_matches by replacing the initial ^ and final $ with /s (I hope that was sufficient), but I have an ereg_replace in the same function that I'm not sure about. It's from a checkPostcode function to be found here. // Take account of the special BFPO c/o format $postcode = ereg_replace ('C\/O', 'c/o ', $po...

PHP How to remove lines that are less than 6 characters.

I am sorting through some lines and some contain email, some don't. I need to remove all lines less than 6 characters. I did a little surfing and found no solid answers so, I tried to write my first expression. Please tell me if this will work. Did I get it right? $six-or-more = preg_replace("!\b\w{1,5}\b!", "", $line-in); Followe...

Modifying back reference on regular expression (PHP)

Getting frustrated... So, I want to modify the back reference of a preg_replace. Figured I can't actually modify (?) so am wondering if it's possible to change the regex to achieve same result. Example. Match [xx_xx] and output "xx_xx" and "xx xx". The "xx_xx" is straightforward (as follows) but the "xx xx" ? $y = "this [fishing_rod]...