
PHP preg_split if not inside curly brackets

Hi all! I'm makin' a scripting language interpreter using PHP. I have this code in that scripting language: write {Hello, World!} in either the color {blue} or {red} or {#00AA00} and in either the font {Arial Black} or {Monaco} where both the color and the font are determined randomly (Yes, it's hard to believe but that's the syntax)...

Converting big String back to Array - PHP

Hello everybody. [Check My EDIT for better Explanation] I need some help with a very big string i have. Its like this: $big_string = "TinteiroID:1#TinteiroLABEL:HP CB335EE#TinteiroREF:CB335EE#TinteiroMARCA:HP#TinteiroGENERO:Tinteiro Preto Reciclado#TinteiroQUANTIDADE:23#FIMPROD#TinteiroID:4#TinteiroLABEL:HP 51633 M#TinteiroREF:51633 ...

problems with text parsing using preg_split

Hello! I write some easy parser for my page and have some problem with it. HTML text: <p>some text</p><p>another text</p> If I try use something like: preg_split("#<p>#",$string); I have a result without <p>, and this is very very bad. (only </p> exist) Maybe I can split this string to array, but don't remove </p>? ...

PHP Preg_split_once

Preg_match gives one match. Preg_match_all returns all matches. Preg_split returns all splits. How can I split only the first match? Example: preg_split("~\n~",$string); This is what I want: array(0=>'first piece',1=>'the rest of the string without any further splits') ...

Splitting up html code tags and content

Does anyone with more knowledge than me about regular expressions know how to split up html code so that all tags and all words are seperated ie. <p>Some content <a href="">A link</a></p> Is seperated like this: array = { [0]=>"<p>", [1]=>"Some", [2]=>"content", [3]=>"<a href=''>,...

Using preg_split on alpha-numeric string in PHP

Consider the string 12345aaa. I want to use preg_split() on it so only the numeric part of it will be returned (i.e. 12345). How would I write the regex for it ? Thank you in advance ! ...

preg_split commas not inside parenthesis

Test string: Organic whole wheat bread, Monterey Jack Cheese (milk, cheese culture, salt), Hormel Natural Ham (salt, turbinado sugar, lactic acid (not from milk) Desired output: Array ( [0] => Organic whole wheat bread [1] => Monterey Jack Cheese [2] => Hormel Natural Ham ) I don't mind if the sub-in...

php preg_split error when switching from split to preg_split

Hi, I get this warning from php after the change from split to preg_split for php 5.3 compatibility : PHP Warning: preg_split(): Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash the php code is : $statements = preg_split("\\s*;\\s*", $content); How can I fix the regex to not use anymore \ Thanks! ...

php preg_split last occurrence of character

Looking for some help! I need to split a string at the last occurrence of a space... e.g. "Great Neck NY" I need to split it so I have "Great Neck" and "NY" I haven't had a problem using preg_split with basic stuff but I'm stumped trying to figure out how to tell it only to split at the last occurrence! Any help would be appreciate...

PHP REGEX - text to array by preg_split at line break

Hi All! EDITED: need help on split Array array example: array ( [0] => :some normal text :some long text here, and so on... sometimes i'm breaking down and... :some normal text :some normal text ) ok, now by using preg_split( '#\n(?!s)#' , $text )...

Retain Delimiters when Splitting String

Edit: OK, I can't read, thanks to Col. Shrapnel for the help. If anyone comes here looking for the same thing to be answered... print_r(preg_split('/([\!|\?|\.|\!\?])/', $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)); Is there any way to split a string on a set of delimiters, and retain the position and character(s) of the delimiter after th...

extract value from session value - using php unserialize, preg_split or other tool

I have a session variable that contains the following string. a:2:{s:7:"LoginId";s:32:"361aaeebef992bd8b57cb3e8d";s:8:"Username";s:6:"aaaaaa";} echo $_SESSION["SecurityAccess_CustomerAccess"]; I am trying to extract the username "aaaaaa". What combination of unserialize, preg_split or other will get me there fastest? attempts so far...

PHP: preg_split

Hey guys, I need help on regular expression here. I want PHP to be able to splits a string in sections of arrays such that a substring enclosed by <%me %> will be in its own slot. So for example, Hi there how are <%me date(); %> => {"Hi there how are ", "<%me date(); %>} Hi there how are you<%me date(); %> => {"Hi there how are you"...

php preg_split functionality

hello, is there a way to understand the following logic contained in the splitting pattern: preg_split("/[\s,]+/", "hypertext language, programming"); in the grand scheme of things i understand what it is doing, but i really want a granular understand of how to use the escapes and special character notation. is there a granular exp...

PHP Split Problem

Hello, I am trying to use (and I've tried both) preg_split() and split() and neither of these have worked for me. Here are the attempts and outputs. preg_split("^", "ItemOne^ItemTwo^Item.Three^"); //output - null or false when attempting to implode() it. preg_split("\^", "ItemOne^ItemTwo^Item.Three^"); //output - null or false when att...

Regex for space, but not escaped spaces.

I am parsing the input of ls -lb and trying to put each field into an array in PHP. My input looks something like this: -rwx------ 1 users 546879 2008-09-05 09:23 Newspaper_Templates.pdf -rwx------ 1 users 403968 2009-01-12 14:16 P2_05.ppt -rwx------ 1 users 144896 2009-01-12 14:08 P2.5_Using_CRO...

Having problems with regular expressions with preg_split in PHP

I have the following input: a few words - 25 some more - words - 7 another - set of - words - 13 And I need to split into this: [0] = "a few words" [1] = 25 [0] = "some more - words" [1] = 7 [0] = "another - set of - words" [1] = 13 I'm trying to use preg_split but I always miss the ending number, my attempt: $item = preg_split("...

Using preg_split to split with a delimiter OR every x characters

Hello ||||overflow crowd :) I'm afraid I couldn't find an answer anywhere, so here goes: My code: $stuff = '00#00#e0#12#ff#a3#00#01#b0#23#91#00#00#e4#11#ff#a2#'; //not exact, just a random example $output = preg_split('/(?:[a-f0-9#]{12}| ff# )/', $stuff); My expectations: Array ( [0] => 00#00#e0#12# [1] => a3#00#01#b0# [...


I was looking to split a string based on a regular expression but I also have interest in keeping the text we split on: php > var_dump(preg_split("/(\^)/","category=Telecommunications & CATV^ORcategory!=ORtest^caused_byISEMPTY^EQ"), null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); array(4) { [0]=> string(34) "category=Telecommunications & CATV" ...

Split a string with php

I have a string called $gallery, $gallery is a list of image URLS The image urls are seperated by a semi- colon ;. Example;; How can I split this up and place each url in an image tag, I suppose using preg_split? Thanks ...