
Alphanumeric Sorting

What is the best/fastest way to sort Alphanumeric fields? ...

Sorting strings is much harder than you thought!

Sorting a list of strings in a way that makes sense to a human is a very complex task. It's not just about comparing ASCII values. Usually, the case doesn't matter. You probably want "File 2" to be sorted before "File 11". In German, 'Ä' often comes at the beginning of the alphabet, whereas in Swedish it's towards the end. And what about...

regex for alphanumeric word, must be 6 characters long.

Hi, What is the regex for a alpha numeric word, at least 6 characters long (but at most 50). ...

How to sort and display mixed lists of alphas and numbers as the users expect?

Our application has a CustomerNumber field. We have hundreds of different people using the system (each has their own login and their own list of CustomerNumbers). An individual user might have at most 100,000 customers. Many have less than 100. Some people only put actual numbers into their customer number fields, while others use ...

compact framework phone keypad input

I am developing an application for a device that has a keypad similar to a phone in which the 2 key is also for ABC, the 3 key is also for DEF, etc. The expected behavior is similar to a cell phone - if the user presses the 2 key repeatedly it will cycle through 2,A,B,C. Is there some standard way to do this or pattern for implementing...

Generating Case Insensitive, Unique Alphanumeric Strings of Fixed Length

I have searched for an elegant solution, without luck. Ultimately, I need to create a number of unique id's (on a single machine) of a fixed length (of 3 characters) that begin with a letter, and contains only numbers or uppercase letters. (e.g. AXX, where X can be a number or letter) I am using the mktemp utility to generate the unique...

find missing numeric from ALPHANUMERIC - Python

How would I write a function in Python to determine if a list of filenames matches a given pattern and which files are missing from that pattern? For example: Input -> KUMAR.3.txt KUMAR.4.txt KUMAR.6.txt KUMAR.7.txt KUMAR.9.txt KUMAR.10.txt KUMAR.11.txt KUMAR.13.txt KUMAR.15.txt KUMAR.16.txt Desired Output--> KUMAR.5.txt KUMAR.8.txt KU...

How to apply an alphanumeric sort in XSLT

Based on the following XML, what is the best way to achieve an alphanumeric sort in XSL? Edit: to clarify, the XML below is just a simple sample the real XML would contain much more variant values. <colors> <item> <label>Yellow 100</label> </item> <item> <label>Blue 12</label> </item> <item> <label>Orange 3</label...

How should I generate a random alphanumeric initial password for new users?

We have to automatically import a large list of users with some data into a running system. For an initial password I want to update the list (csv format at the moment) with a random alphanumeric key (8 digits). When inserting it with a special routine (which needs a csv file), the password (in this case the alphanumeric key) is stored ...

Changing SKUs from Alphanumeric to Numeric, How to!

Our company has thousands of SKUs that currently have 1-6 digits followed by 10 letters that represent various color options, ie. 1550-B= Product 1550 is Black. B for Black. 165334-W = Product is White etc. Our new system will only allow numeric codes (and this will be easier also for our staff to 10-key everything). We need advice how...

how do i block or restrict special characters from input fields with jquery?

How do I block special characters from being typed into an input field with jquery? ...

Allow only alphanumeric in textbox.

I have a textbox and it need the user not allow to enter any specialcharecters He can enter 1. A-Z 2. a-z 3. 0-9 4. Space. How can I make the KeyDown event to do this? ...

C# Method like Base64String, but only alphanumeric (no plus or slash)

Hello, is there any C# method that works similar to Convert.ToBase64String but doesn't generate anything except alphanumeric output? Thanks! ...

Increasing Alphanumeric value in user defined function

Hello, I'm trying to code a user defined function under SQL Server 2005 that will increase integer part of alphanumeric value by one. For example, uf_AlphanumericIncrease ('A000299') should return 'A000300'. Here's what I've done so far; ALTER FUNCTION uf_AlphaNumericIncrement ( @ID varchar(10) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(10) AS BEGIN DECL...

How to strip all non-alphabetic characters from string in SQL Server?

How could you remove all characters that are not alphabetic from a string? What about non-alphanumeric? Does this have to be a custom function or are there also more generalizable solutions? ...

Sorting strings with integers and text in Python.

I'm making a stupid little game that saves your score in a highscores.txt file. My problem is sorting the lines. Here's what I have so far. Maybe an alphanumeric sorter for python would help? Thanks. import os.path import string def main(): #Check if the file exists file_exists = os.path.exists("highscores.txt") scor...

JQuery ajax call does not take alphanumeric parameters!

Hello all, JQuery seems to be giving an error when trying to pass an alphanumeric parameter like so: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Default.aspx/AjaxTest", data: "{eventID:9a5}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", ...

Order alphanumerical list in PHP

HI, i need to order a list in PHP that looks like: B1200 120A81 00A12 00A22 C100B C100C ordered list would be: 00A12 00A22 120A81 B1200 C100B C100C I was thinking about splitting each line in multidimensional arrays and order it but i am stuck and maybe theres a completely different way for that. Thanks! ...

How to check if a string only contains alphanumeric characters in objective C?

I'm working on a small iphone project and i would need to check if the userName entered only contains alphanumerical characters? (A-Z, a-z, 0-9). How would i go about checking it? ...

Using preg_split on alpha-numeric string in PHP

Consider the string 12345aaa. I want to use preg_split() on it so only the numeric part of it will be returned (i.e. 12345). How would I write the regex for it ? Thank you in advance ! ...