
How to strip all non-alphabetic characters from string in SQL Server?

How could you remove all characters that are not alphabetic from a string? What about non-alphanumeric? Does this have to be a custom function or are there also more generalizable solutions? ...

How to make a sorting button on access?

Hi, sorry my english. I don´t speak it very well. Well, I'm developing an Access DB and I'd like do implement 2 buttons that, when clicked down, sort my subform "SUBForm1" according to parameters: asceding alphabetic order by NAME and one another ascending by Month. Is that possible? I´d be glad for every answer. Thank's ...

Javascript regex alphabetic with few international characters

I need a javascript function for validating alphabetic input with a few extra characters from the Italian languages, namely: àèéìòóù I saw a regex before with something like: [\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF] What are those codes named and where can I find the right values? I would like to use these into following function: ...

Split list of names into alphabetic dictionary, in Python.

List. ['Chrome', 'Chromium', 'Google', 'Python'] Result. {'C': ['Chrome', 'Chromium'], 'G': ['Google'], 'P': ['Python']} I can make it work like this. alphabet = dict() for name in ['Chrome', 'Chromium', 'Google', 'Python']: character = name[:1].upper() if not character in alphabet: alphabet[character] = list() alphabet[...