
Adding a Preloader in CS5 as3 project

I am Working on a cs5 as3 project and in that project i have writen all code in the frame1 of main timeline (there is no package/class in the code) The code in the main timeline is very complex in which i am loading external images and xml's and many more things . i have not written any code in the action layer. Now i want to add Prel...

Preloader in as3 using preloader sample provided in cs5

I am working on a project in which i want to add preloader and for that i have used the sample preloader provided in cs5 (in sample files). i have moved(from another fla) all my code to second frame and all library content to current fla's library. Now the problem is that the size of first frame is now 182kb (the size of library content...

Actionscctript 3.0 preloader loads once then when the page is refreshed it doesnt load

I have a .fla that has a preloader on frame one and the rest of the file on frames 2 thru 55. The preloader code is the one that comes in Flash cs5's sample files. there is a movie clip with the instance name lbar and text with the name lpc. here is the code stop(); import flash.display.*; this.stop this.loaderInfo.addEventList...

Best practise: Preloaders in Flash?

I'm a bit curious.. I'm working on an application that loads dynamic data externally - this can take from one second up to several minutes depending on the user's connection speed. Should I make a preloader at the start of the application and load in every data or make X preloaders and show them for every page/part of the application w...