
Can the Presenter of Web Client Software Factory(WCSF) and Smart Client Software Factory(SCSF) shared and how?

Web Client Software Factory(WCSF) and Smart Client Software Factory(SCSF) both use MVP pattern. M-Model can be shared. V-View has to be different as both are on different platform(Desktop/Web). I want to know can the P-Presenter can be shared or can I be exactly same for both and how. ...

What are some patterns for creating views and controllers in an MVC or MVP app?

I'm working on a MVC/MVP GUI for editing a document. The document has a tree structure, with some nodes representing text, others images. The app model also includes a command stack, with commands operating directly on the model. Since different nodes have radically different controls, I'm planning on implementing individual MVC/MVP t...

Pausing/Resuming an Adobe Breeze/Presenter SWF via JavaScript

I am looking for a way to control the playback of some content created via Breeze using JavaScript. Essentially I have the Breeze SWF embedded on a page, and that page is surfaced in another application. The application only communicates via JavaScript, so I have to expose some pause/resume functions to the Breeze content. With Captivat...

Derived Interface with derived interface member

Hi I have 2 base interfaces, IViewBase (which all views will implement) and IPresenterBase (which all presenters will implement): public interface IViewBase { } public interface IPresenterBase { IViewBase View { get; set; } } Then i've created a new interface ILogPresenter that derives from IPresenterBase and ILogView deriving f...

ASP.NET Model-View-Presenter and List versus Details

In Model-View-Presenter what is the correct pattern to do a page that: a) contains a grid for browsing a list of items b) an alternate mode for editing single items maybe you are toggling between two asp:panels. Do you just make the presenter smart enough to do two types of presentations? Make 2 presenters? I'm new to this pattern ...

C# Where to put view specific information?

I'm trying to reduce the code duplication that exists throughout my web forms. This is what an example object loaded from the database looks like. Apartment int id decimal rent bool callForPricing int squareFeet int beds int baths Now I create views from this object in several different pages (ie. a list wi...