
Beautify Javascript and CSS in Firebug?

Is there a way to beautify javascript and css in Firebug? I'd like to be able to view formatted js instead of the compressed version :). ...

best way to implement custom pretty-printers

The documentation for the pprint module mentions that the method PrettyPrinter.format is intended to make it possible to customize formatting. I gather that it's possible to override this method in a subclass, but this doesn't seem to provide a way to have the base class methods apply line wrapping and indentation. Am I missing somethi...

Visual Studio ASP.NET/HTML reformat capability - does it exist?

Does Visual Studio have a capability, or is there a VS plug-in, that will reformat ASP.NET and HTML markup (i.e. perform pretty printing). Specifically, I want it to put all properties or attributes in alphabetical order for each tag, possibly with some exceptions that the user can specify, say in a config file. Also, each property or at...

Pretty Print HTML in Ruby (or Shell)

Is there any way to pretty print an HTML or XML string from the command line on a mac? Trying to do this in Ruby. Any ideas? I've thought about XSLT, and about writing my own parser, but both of those are pretty involved. Looking for something already out there. ...

Print informative, well formatted mysql errors in PHP

Mysql errors are among the most common ones you see during development, and I am searching for a pleasant and informative way to output them. phpMyAdmin apparently has a decent pretty-printer for mySQL queries: However, it prints errors as simple text: Whereas in the latter example, the text after for the right syntax to use near ...

Java library for code beautify/format

Hello, I need a library for Java that is able to beautify/format source code from a textual representation (String, file, etc). I've already searched for something like this but didn't find anything that does exactly this. Only tools that parse their own tree structures, or that are IDE plugins or are standalone applications. At first...

Printing lists with commas C++

I know how to do this in other languages, but not C++, which I am forced to use here. I have a Set of Strings that I'm printing to out in a list, and they need a comma between each one, but not a trailing comma. In java for instance, I would use a stringbuilder and just delete the comma off the end after I've built my string. How do I d...

Pretty-printing Wordpress HTML output for development purposes

Is there a simple way (plugin / function) that uses Tidy or some other lib to pretty-print Wordpress's HTML output? It's unreadable as it is and it's almost impossible to write a theme with proper indentation with all the includes / hooks going on all over the place. Performance is not an issue as this only needs to be active for devel...

PPRINT in Emacs Lisp?

Emacs Lisp does not seem to have a PPRINT function. How do you pretty print an S-EXP in elisp the way you can in Common Lisp? Thanks! ...

XML pretty-printer with fixed line-width output

I need a command-line XML pretty-printer tool that will not overflow given output line width. All tools I've tried (xmlstarlet, xmllint, xmlindent) overflow line width when printing tags with many attributes. I'll settle if each attribute will be printed at a separate line (while keeping indentation of course). Tool must be free, runna...

Java pretty print for duration

Is there Java class or some sample code that can convert a java Date or Timestamp into something like: "3 hours" " 20 seconds" "25 minutes" I need those strings in my web application to show how much it took to generate a file (in a pretty print way of course :) ) Thanks, ...

pretty printer with Python?

I have a list of labels, and data as follows. ['id', 'Version', 'chip_name', 'xversion', 'device', 'opt_param', 'place_effort'] [1, 1.0, u'virtex2', u'xilinx11.5', u'xc5vlx50', u'Speed', u'High'] I need to print them into console. And for this, I'm iterating over the list, and print out each element with a tab ('\t'). But, unfortuna...

View source of PHP, Javascript, and HTML?

I've got a .php file with javascript, php, and html. I want to include a button/link to view the source of the entire file "pretty printed", but I can't seem to get anything to work. What is the best way to do this? ...

Python pretty XML printer for XML string

I generate a long and ugly XML string with python, and I need to filter it through pretty printer to look better. I found this post for python pretty printers, but I have to write the XML string to a file to be read back to use the tools, which I want to avoid if possible. What python pretty tools that works on string are available? ...

Coldfusion - XML Pretty Print

There are a lot of ways to pretty print XML, but I have yet to find one using a ColdFusion function. This is a common question, but again I want to do this within ColdFusion. ...