
Fastest algorithm for primality test

I need to test primality on intervals between numbers which are really big (in the range of long long), so i need some fast algorithm for checking if a number is prime or not. Please suggest your ideas. ...

Efficiently storing a list of prime numbers

This article says: Every prime number can be expressed as 30k±1, 30k±7, 30k±11, or 30k±13 for some k. That means we can use eight bits per thirty numbers to store all the primes; a million primes can be compressed to 33,334 bytes "That means we can use eight bits per thirty numbers to store all the primes" This "eigh...

why is this C++ Code not doing his job

i want to create a program that write all the primes in a file ( i know that its a popular algorithm "Sieve of Eratosthenes" but m trying to make it by my self ) i m trying to eliminate all the complications for the bites that still have the value 1 then wrote them in a File #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h...

What is a convenient base for a bignum library & primality testing algorithm?

Hi, I am to program the Solovay-Strassen primality test presented in the original paper on RSA. Additionally I will need to write a small bignum library, and so when searching for a convenient representation for bignum I came across this specification: struct { int sign; int size; int *tab; } bignum; I will also be writing a m...

Project Euler: Programmatic Optimization for Problem 7?

So I would call myself a fairly novice programmer as I focused mostly on hardware in my schooling and not a lot of Computer Science courses. So I solved Problem 7 of Project Euler: By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13. What is the 10001st prime number? I managed t...

Have I checked every consecutive subset of this list?

I'm trying to solve problem 50 on Project Euler. Don't give me the answer or solve it for me, just try to answer this specific question. The goal is to find the longest sum of consecutive primes that adds to a prime below one million. I wrote a sieve to find all the primes below n, and I have confirmed that it is correct. Next, I am goi...

Checking if an int is prime more efficiently

I recently was part of a small java programming competition at my school. My partner and I have just finished our first pure oop class and most of the questions were out of our league so we settled on this one (and I am paraphrasing somewhat): "given an input integer n return the next int that is prime and its reverse is also prime for e...

Correct answer will not output

I made a program that returns the sum of all primes under 2 million. I really have no idea what's going on with this one, I get 142891895587 as my answer when the correct answer is 142913828922. It seems like its missing a few primes in there. I'm pretty sure the getPrime function works as it is supposed to. I used it a couple times befo...

How can I store a list of rows in a spreadsheet cell?

Is there a good method of storing a list of rows in a cell and then detecting whether a certain row is in that list? The method I have seems a bit over the top. I label each row with a prime number, then store the list of rows as the product of each prime, missing out the rows I don't want in my list. Detecting whether a given row is...

Help with Java Program for Prime numbers

Hello everyone, I was wondering if you can help me with this program. I have been struggling with it for hours and have just trashed my code because the TA doesn't like how I executed it. I am completely hopeless and if anyone can help me out step by step, I would greatly appreciate it. Problem In this project you will write a Java pro...

Prime Numbers Code Help

Hello Everybody, I am suppose to "write a Java program that reads a positive integer n from standard input, then prints out the first n prime number." It's divided into 3 parts. 1st: This function will return true or false according to whether m is prime or composite. The array argument P will contain a sufficient number of primes to d...

The largest prime factor with php

So, I wrote php program to find the largest prime factor with php and I think it is quite optimal, because it loads quite fast. But there is a problem, it doesn't count very big numbers's prime factors. Here is a program: function is_even($s) { $sk_sum = 0; for($i = 1; $i <= $s; $i++) { if($s % $i == 0) { $sk_sum++; }...

Speed up bitstring/bit operations in Python?

I wrote a prime number generator using Sieve of Eratosthenes and Python 3.1. The code runs correctly and gracefully at 0.32 seconds on to generate prime numbers up to 1,000,000. # from bitstring import BitString def prime_numbers(limit=1000000): '''Prime number generator. Yields the series 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19,...

Help making this code run faster for spoj.

I've been doing a few of the challenges on the Sphere Online Judge, but I can't seem to get the second problem (the prime generator) to run within the time limit. Does anyone have any tips for increasing the speed of the following code? #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int is_prime(int n); void make_sieve(); void fast_prime(int n);...

Recursive function causing a stack overflow

I am trying to write a simple sieve function to calculate prime numbers in clojure. I've seen this question about writing an efficient sieve function, but I am not to that point yet. Right now I am just trying to write a very simple (and slow) sieve. Here is what I have come up with: (defn sieve [potentials primes] (if-let [p (firs...

Clojure: Avoiding stack overflow in Sieve of Erathosthene?

Here's my implementation of Sieve of Erathosthene in Clojure (based on SICP lesson on streams): (defn nats-from [n] (iterate inc n)) (defn divide? [p q] (zero? (rem q p))) (defn sieve [stream] (lazy-seq (cons (first stream) (sieve (remove #(divide? (first stream) %) (rest stream)))))) (def primes (si...

Finding the nth number of primes

I can not figure out why this won't work. Please help me from math import sqrt pN = 0 numPrimes = 0 num = 1 def checkPrime(x): '''Check\'s whether a number is a prime or not''' prime = True if(x==2): prime = True elif(x%2==0): prime=False else: root=int(sqrt(x)) for i in range(3,root,2): ...

Project Euler, Problem 10 java solution not working

Hi, I'm trying to find the sum of the prime numbers < 2,000,000. This is my solution in java but I can't seem get the correct answer. Please give some input on what could be wrong and general advice on the code is appreciated. Printing 'sum' gives: 1308111344, which is incorrect. edit: Thanks for all the help. Changed int to long and ...

Improving a prime sieve algorithm

I'm trying to make a decent Java program that generates the primes from 1 to N (mainly for Project Euler problems). At the moment, my algorithm is as follows: Initialise an array of booleans (or a bitarray if N is sufficiently large) so they're all false, and an array of ints to store the primes found. Set an integer, s equal to the ...

Python Syntax Problem

I'm just getting back into Project Euler and have lost my account and solutions, so I'm back on problem 7. However, my code doesn't work. It seems fairly elementary to me, can someone help me debug my (short) script? Should find the 10001st Prime. #!/usr/bin/env python #encoding: utf-8 """ Created by Andrew Levenson on 2010-06-2...