
Print styles: How to ensure image doesn't span a page break

When writing a print stylesheet, is there a way to ensure that an image is always only on a single page, instead of spanning multiple pages. The images much smaller than the page, but based on the document flow, they end up at the bottom of the page and get split. An example of the behavior I'm seeing is below: Page 1 | ...

how can I get jquery.sIFR plugin to display sIFR-alternate text for print?

I'm struggling with this. I've used the jquery sIFR plugin as opposed to sIFR it prevented conflicts with other jquery I am using on my pages. It works fine in its prime function: replacing html text with Flash. However, the .sIFR-alternate class is given an inline style of 'opacity: 0' which persists when flashblock is on. So alternat...

Screen to print font faces

What is your normal method on styling print style sheets when it comes to font faces. Traditionally serif fonts are better for printed media, but if the sans serif font is still clear and legible, would it be a better option for a print style sheet, if it made the print outs match the website more. ...