
What are your top priorities for features in a general purpose programming language?

My definition of general purpose is a bit specific: a general purpose programming language should be able to handle all problem domains, including implementing operating system kernels, device drivers and all sorts of programming language facilities. This definition basically excludes all mandatory garbage collected languages (including ...

How do I extend infix and stack priorities to additional operators?

How would the infix and stack priorities be extended to include the operators <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, !, &&, and ||? When parsing an infix expression, for example: P + (Q – F) / Y#, each symbol has a priority which is relevant to their order of operation. / and * have a higher priority than + and -. Here are the priorities I have/underst...

Need tips on how to prioritize and schedule a bunch of work items

It took me some time, but I've finally managed to write down all the tasks that need to go into Version 1.0 of the software product I'm working on. The list is almost 1000 items long. We are a 3-person team, and we've somehow managed to get this far using MindMeister, Google Docs, @todos in the code etc. Now, I have everything neatl...

Priorities for writing code

I've been following SO for a while now, and every so often I see people asking about the fastest way to do something. I certainly acknowledge that code must be well written and even tuned every now and then, but in my everyday work I am much more concerned about maintainability of code and only occasionally do I actually have to tune cod...

mysql row priority

I have a database table full of some really ugly and messy data. In a seperate table i have a cleaner version of the data and they are linked by an id, but I need to keep the messy dataset and can't overwrite it as I use it to check against data differences. I'm trying to merge the data into a new table, OR use a single query across bo...

What are the five priorities for software development?

At another development company I recently saw some project management/workload prioritisation graphs on the wall. I'm used to the maxim "Good, Fast, Cheap: Pick two". But this system used five indicators. Those I can remember: Bug Free On Time Feature Complete On Budget But I can't remember the fifth. Anyone? In this system, the f...

Prioritize JavaScript Scripts: Defer Not Working

I need to prioritize scripts so jQuery, Cufon, and my .js files come before Twitter does. I've tried defer="defer" as well as placing scripts in the bottom in the order I want them to execute but all these methods aren't working. I don't want to modify Twitter's files either. Anything I can do? ...

Search query, 'order by' priority

I need implement simple search in small content table: id, name, description, content. Results must be order by priorities name description content it's mean that if searched word was found in description field, it will be shown only after all rows that have dog in name field What I did: I tried create temp table with structure lik...

Managing execution priorities and request expiry time in your web application

Some installations that run our applications can be under hefty stress on a busy day. Our clients ask us is there is a way to manage priorities in our application. For example, in a typical internet banking application, banks are interested in having the form “Transfer money” responsive, while the “Statement” page is a lot less critical....

pthreads with real time priority

I need to manage a pool of threads having different priorities, so I wrote the following thread startup procedure: static int startup(thrd_t *thrd, thrd_sync_t *sync, int prio) { pthread_attr_t attr; int err; struct sched_param param = { .sched_priority = prio }; assert(pthread_attr_init(&attr) == 0); as...