
java:getting sqlexception message "incorrrect syntax near '{' ".

platform :sql server 2000 java 1.4 String queryStringForCustomer = "{call MIGRATE_CUSTOMERS_FILE(?,?)}"; String queryStringForCard = "{call MIGRATE_CARDS_FILE(?,?)}"; for(int i=0;i<recordIds.size();i++) { if(FileType.equals("1")){ callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(queryStringForCustomer); callableStatement.setString(1,(Str...

how to call procedure in database asynchronously from java 1.4 code?

platform: Sql server 2000 java 1.4 ejb 3.0 ...

PL SQL - Return SQLCODE as OUT parameter is accepted ?

Hi, I have a procedure that returns an OUT parameter. procedure foo (in_v IN INTEGER, out_v OUT integer) BEGIN ... EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --sh*t happend out_v := SQLCODE; END That parameter will be 0 if everything goes OK, and <> 0 if something ugly happened. Now, if sh*t happens along the way, an exception will be th...

why would one pass an jquery.fn object to the jqueryobject

Hello, I am still trying to understand plugin procedure so I can write my own or adapt another. I try to learn from this plugin It sets methods with fn.extend and then passes itself(with this) to some function made in jquery.extend. jQuery.fn.extend({ everyTime: function(interval, label, fn, times) { return this.each(func...

Oracle stored procedure with three parameters how to conntect to Excel

Hi , I have an Oracle stored procedure and it has three parameters. I am in confusion to enable this porcedure to Microsoft Excel? Once data are available in Excel, user will make a chart(graph). Can you please give me some samples of code: Stored procedure with parameters, how to connect stored procedure to Excel, Parameter pop in ...

someone to help with MYSQLI & Stored PRocedure

hey i want to make a search feature with mysql stored procedures and php. how can i do this? i know how to call proc but how to send "q" input to procedure? thank you ...

ADODB connection to run SQL Server Procedure

I'm currently trying to run a certain procedure (sql 2005) in VB6, passing some parameters: Dim conn As Connection Set conn = New Connection conn.Open "Provider=whateverprovider;Data Source=whateversource;Database=whateverdatabase;User Id=whateverID;Password=whatever" Dim CMD As ADODB.Command Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set CMD = New ADOD...

How to call sql procedure from an html button?

Hey guys, my doubt is pretty simple to understand. I have a sql procedure that generates a util file as its output depending on the input parameters that are passed to it. I have to pass these parameters from an html page from 3 text boxes.There will also be a button ,on clicking which, the procedure will be called and the util will be...

Limiting selected rows count with a stored procedure parameter in MySQL

I have a procedure SelectProc wich contains SELECT statement. I want to add a procedure param LimitRowsCount and use it as following: CREATE PROCEDURE SelectProc (IN LimitRowsCount INTEGER UNSIGNED) BEGIN SELECT (...) LIMIT LimitRowsCount; END but this approach doesn't work. The SELECT itself contains nested subqueries so I ca...

What's your release process for your commercial application?

If you are developing a commercial desktop application, what's your release process? Sample process: Develop it: Patch bugs, add features, etc. Feature Freeze (do not fix, add anything unless it's absolutely required) Test it If everything is OK release it, if it's not fix it, test it, release it I think the most crucial question is...

Procedure to alter and update table on hierarchical relationship to see if there are any children

I have a hierarchical table on Oracle pl/sql. something like: create table hierarchical ( id integer primary key, parent_id references hierarchical , name varchar(100)); I need to create a procedure to alter that table so I get a new field that tells, for each node, if it has any children or not...

Is there recursive store procedures in MySql?

I want to know if is there recursive procedures in MySql and how can I implement them ...

Prolog newbie question: Making a procedure to print Hello World

I want to load this simple something into my Editor: Write:-repeat,write("hi"),nl,fail. So that it prints "hi". What should I do? I'm currently trying to do File->New and Saving a file named Write into E:\Program Files\pl\xpce\prolog\lib When doing the query: ?-Write. It's printing: 1 ?- Write. % ... 1,000,000 ............ 10,0...

generic Mysql stored procedure

Hi, I have the fallowing stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE `get`(IN tb VARCHAR(50), IN id INTEGER) BEGIN SELECT * FROM tb WHERE Indx = id; END// When I call get(user,1) I get the following: ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'user' in 'field list' ...

[Oracle/PHP]Is it possible to pass an array to a PL/SQL procedure?

If it is possible, how does the parameter need to look like in the procedure? And how do you pass an array to a procedure? ...

mysql create procedure script

I am a bit confused with mysql create procedure script. My script looks like as follows: DELIMITER // DROP PROCEDURE play; CREATE PROCEDURE play() BEGIN insert into hi (name,id)VALUES ('apple','2010'); END // It does not insert into table hi. ...

How To Get the Name of the Current Procedure/Function in Delphi (As a String)

Is it possible to obtain the name of the current procedure/function as a string, within a procedure/function? I suppose there would be some "macro" that is expanded at compile-time. My scenario is this: I have a lot of procedures that are given a record and they all need to start by checking the validity of the record, and so they pass ...

Searching a column containing CSV data in a MySQL table for existence of input values

Hi, I have a table say, ITEM, in MySQL that stores data as follows: ID FEATURES -------------------- 1 AB,CD,EF,XY 2 PQ,AC,A3,B3 3 AB,CDE 4 AB1,BC3 -------------------- As an input, I will get a CSV string, something like "AB,PQ". I want to get the records that contain AB or PQ. I realized that we've to write a MyS...

Oracle: How can I know a table is getting populated?

Hi, I'm in charge of an oracle db where we don't have any documentation (at all). And at the moment I need to know HOW a table is getting populated. Ideally, I'd like to know from which procedure, trigger, whatever... this table gets its data from. Any idea would be much appreciated. Thanks. ...

Problem with UPDATE statement in stored-procedure in Oracle Database

Hello, I have stored-procedure in Oracle database like this: create or replace PROCEDURE EDYTUJ_PRACOWNIKA (PR_IMIE IN VARCHAR2, PR_NAZWISKO IN VARCHAR2, PR_PENSJA IN FLOAT, PR_PRZELOZONY IN NUMBER, PR_ODDZIAL IN NUMBER, PRAC_ID IN NUMBER) AS tmpPensja FLOAT := 0; tmpPrzel NUMBER := 0; BEGIN select przelozony into tmpPrzel from pr...