
Possible to abort shutdown on Linux?

I'm familiar with and use shutdown in Linux, and typically just do > shutdown -h now But is there a way to stop shutdown from happening, say if I aim to shutdown 10 minutes from now and then in 5 minutes time I discover I really don't want to shut down? ...

PHP Daemon/worker environment

Problem: I want to implement several php-worker processes who are listening on a MQ-server queue for asynchronous jobs. The problem now is that simply running this processes as daemons on a server doesn't really give me any level of control over the instances (Load, Status, locked up)...except maybe for dumping ps -aux. Because of that I...

Using Unix Process Controll Methods in Ruby

Ryan Tomayko touched off quite a fire storm with this post about using Unix process control commands. We should be doing more of this. A lot more of this. I'm talking about fork(2), execve(2), pipe(2), socketpair(2), select(2), kill(2), sigaction(2), and so on and so forth. These are our friends. They want so badly just to help us. ...

PHP: What does pcntl_fork() really do?

PHP's pcntl_fork funcion is supposed to fork a process just as the standard fork function in C. But I was wondering if this function really forks the process or if it emulates that behavior in a different way. If it really forks the process then it's clear which process that is: one of Apache's child processes. That's OK as long as Apach...

Web-based or PC based for process control application ?

I want to create a process control application. Events update the database and that should be reflected on the GUI. Although I personally prefer Linux, the hard fact it that 100% of the potential customers I can imagine run Windows. Ok, for Windows I am comfortable with C++ Builder. I suppose I could switch to NetBeans and use Java j...