How can I make this sketch more efficient?

I have a simple sketch (in Processing), basically a bunch of dots wander around, if they come into contact with each other they fight (each has a strength value, increased each time they win, if it's equal the winner is randomly chosen) It works well with about 5000 12-pixel "zombies" (there's a slight slowdown for a half a second, whil...

How to add a Processing PApplet in SWT

I have a problem when trying to add a PApplet into SWT, it turns up an empty window when it should just render the PApplet. I.e. the PApplet works by itself, but not in a SWT window. I thought that just adding the PApplet into the frame should initially do the trick, using the SWT tutorial code in Eclipse. Apparently it wasn't so easy....

webcam access using opencv with processing in an applet or application

I made a small sketch with processing using opencv to face detect and track. But when I export as an application and start it nothing happens, same as an applet. First I exported the applet and thought this must be a security issue, and struggled with some hack for processing to sign your java applet.

Is There A .Net Library for Artistic Coding like Processing or OpenFrameworks?

I really like the work that's done with processing ( but I'm more exposed to the .Net world and would like to stay there. Is there a library or sub-language within .Net that is very focused on being easy to use for artists? Processing and OpenFrameworks excel because it's so easy to create animations and other visu...

Why is my Processing app not behaving?

I am learning to use Processing, and have modified one of the examples to create this applet. I have two questions: Why are the spheres oblate? The spheres in the example I cribbed from were nice and round. Why do I get the light showing on the outside edges of the spheres, when the point source is between them? Here is the source f...

ClassCastException When Casting HashMap Iterator to a Concrete Type

I am very new to and Java. I am trying to store objects in a HashMap, and then iterate over the values of the HashMap, calling methods on the stored objects. In order to do that, I assume I need to downcast the iterator to the type of my class, but this throws a ClassCastException ("java.util.HashMap$ValueIterator cannot b...

How to tell when an @font-face rule is applied

Is there any way to tell when an @font-face rule is applied? I'm creating @font-face rules that use data: URIs from a font file requested with an synchronous XMLHttpRequest in JavaScript and then write text to a canvas element using the font right away. The thing is that it doesn't actually use the font when drawing the text for the firs...

How to manipulate an array similar to an ORDER BY clause in SQL?

My data has been placed into an array, but unfortunately not in the order I want it in... String[][] databaseToArray = { //{"Name", "Channel", "Description", "Amount", "isReady"}, {"John", "Nick", "likes", "2", "yes" }, {"Drew", "MTV", "dislikes", "4", "no" }, {"Fred", "CNN", "okay", ...

cross-platform iTunes visualizer?

I'd like to make a cross-platform iTunes visualizer (Mac + Windows). I've looked at: Quartz Composer, which only runs on Mac OS, and appears to consist of dragging boxes around. I'd like to be able to actually program. VizKit, which seems kind of heavy, and doesn't come with any easy-to-modify sample projects. Can someone point me to...

Difference in amplitude from the same source using FFT

Hi, I have a question regarding use of FFT. Using function getBand(int i) with Minim i can extract the amplitude of a specific frequency and do pretty maps of it. Works great. However, this is a more of a curiosity question. When i look at the values extracted from playing the same song two twice using the same frequency (so the amplit...

Processing: Why is setup() running multiple times?

I'm working on a visualisation app with Processing. All appears to be going well, but I've noticed that in the console, I'm seeing any println() statements from the setup() method in triplicate. This doesn't appear to be the case for similar statements inside the draw() loop. I thought this might just be an output thing, but I'm now se...

How to get performance increases using Processing for Android?

I have converted a few of my Processing sketches into Android apps, but they seem to run really slowly in the emulator and on my device. Are there any tips on how to increase the speed and performance of my sketch running as an Android app? Are there things or parts of the Processing API I should avoid? ...