
Processing for Android and regular input apps

Processing has Android support and it seems to be pretty awesome from my 10 minutes of playing with it. But I would like to make a regular (nongraphics) application like a twitter feed reader or something. So is there something like Processing that can do regular apps? Besides Titanium... Basically I am looking for anything that will...

How do I obtain the height and width of a given YUV video clip under Matlab? Is there any reader() function or get() function? Anything else?

How to get the width and height of a given yuv file? The dimensions are needed for subsequent movie/matrix processing. Thank you. ...

Batch File to Delete Files in Folders

I have many folders in a directory that contain various files. Each filename begins with XXX_ where XXX could be the name of the folder the file is in. What I am needing to do is to go through all those folders and delete any file where XXX is the name of the folder that file is in. ...

Rename files using batch

I have a folder with files x_blah.blah y_ho.hum z_hi.ho which I just need to drop everything to left of the underscore and the underscore from so I'm left with blah.blah ho.hum hi.ho ...

Rails parallel background processing

I have a rails application (which acts like some sort of load balancer for a group of printers) that needs to do some background processing. The background processing logic needs to iterate over all available (non busy) printers and send a print job via TCP socket to each one as long as there are jobs present. I know there are several s...

Guitar Chord Recognition Algorithm?

Hi! Whats a good digital signal processing algorithm that is good on guitar chords? Since Fast Fourier Transform I think only is accurate on single notes played on the guitar but not notes that are played simultaenously (i.e. chords). Thanks! ...

asynchronous callback and function - in javascript and jquery

Hi guys, I need to call an address list to add markers on google map for each address. This operation should be performed as follows: 1-address list will be loaded into a list 2-each address will be searched to find lat and lng values 3-then a marker will be placed List might include an animation icon. All icons will be running in t...