
How to serialize SettingsContext and SettingsPropertyCollection

I need to serialize the System.Configuration.SettingsContext and System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection types as i am implementing my own profile provider. Any suggestions on how to do it in the most simplest way. ...

How to serialize System.Configuration.SettingsProperty

I need to serialize the System.Configuration.SettingsProperty and System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue class object through WCF. ...

Implementing Custom Profile Provider in ASP.NET MVC

Hi, I tried a lot on implementing a custom profile provider in ASP.NET MVC. I've read lots and lots of tutorials, but I can't find where is my problem. It's pretty similar to that question: But I'd like to create my own Profile Provider, so I wrote th...

Role based Profile data in ProfileProvider

I have defined a couple of different roles in my website : Administrators, DefaultUsers. Currently i use the built-in profile provider to store some information about the user (first name, last name, avatar ...). What i would like to do next is provide a user who has the "Admistrators" role to store some data about his preference...

Should I store images with my profiles (sql profile provider)?

Hi all, I'm developing an intranet webapp in that has a requirement for storing user profile images. @edit: The webapp should be running in two different web servers at the same time. My question is, what would be the best approach? Saving the photo with the profile (I'm using the SqlProfileProvider) or upload it to the file ... profile provider

I know there are already some questions on this topic on the site... I am just trying to understand if it's safe to use ASP.NET Profile Provider with a website with huge traffic? The way I see it, it's laid out inefficiently. You store property name (which is a string) and property value (which is a string too). If you are just tr... Profile Provider Search on specific property

I am using the SqlProfileProvider class in one of my projects and I would like to be able to search for profiles on an arbitrary profile property (e.g. Birthday). The only search method that I have seen is the ProfileManager.FindByUserName. Has anyone implemented that? Or do I have to iterate over the list of profiles (very inefficien...

Profile Providers and Windows Authentication

All our inhouse projects use Active Directory authentication and impersonation as this is the accepted security policy for the company. I currently have a scenario where I need to store user profile information, and I would like to use the built-in Profile Providers which is standard in ASP.Net. I've previously used this happily with Fo...

using custom Profile provider in MVC?

Hello, im currently trying to implement a profile provider for my site a few days now and having a hard time working on it, im a php programer and i just shift to recently Im using Linq to sql and follow this tutorial. the reason im using my own because i havin...

What is the ASP.NET security client services profile provider data type?

This seems to be a simple question, but I cannot find the answer after much searching. I have an application that uses the ASP.NET security system. The membership uses a System.Web.ClientServices.Providers.ClientFormsAuthenticationMembershipProvider type for the provider, and the roles, similarly, uses the System.Web.ClientServices.Pro...

Is there any way to use Late Bound Profile objects with the .NET Custom Profile Provider.

I am attempting to write a Custom Profile Provider for use in a multi-site CMS. In order to make the CMS more generic I was trying to allow you to specify the Profile that you wish to use on a site by site basis. The profile to use is stored in the database with the namepace and class name. When a user access something that requires t...

Creating a Domain-Layer-Backed Custom .Net Profile Provider

Hi all We have an existing ASP .Net web application which uses the MS membership provider model. Currently, we are using the sample SqlTableProfileProvider profile provider We are doing an extensive redevelopment of the application, including a much more layered arch...

custom Profile Provider using CMS API

I have created a custom Profile Provider that is integrated with the API of a CMS. It works fine when pulling data for an authenticated user (Profile.FirstName), but errors when creating a new user's profile. Here is the section from web.config <profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="CustomProfileProvider" inherits="objProfile"> <p...

Active Directory Custom User Profiles/Attributes?

Hi all, I am currently using the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider just for authentication on an internal business app built in This works like a charm. I am now looking to add some functionality to handle custom profile information for a user, ideally also stored in Active Directory. For a simple example let's just say the c...

Binding formview with profile in

Hello friends, I want to display and update user profile using FormView control. But I dont know exactly how to do this. I am using custom providers for Roles, Membership and Profile. Everything is working fine. Can anybody provide solution? Thanks for sharing your valuable time. ...

Is it possible to persist two profiles with the Profile Provider Model?

I have a website that needs to store two sets of user data into separate data stores. The first set of data is used by the SiteCore CMS and holds information about the user. The second set of data is used by a personalisation application that stores its own user data. The reason they aren't stored together in the same profile object is b...

Store shopping Cart cookie in user profile to persist

Hi, I m working with a complexe nested cart items and i need to store my session cookies in the user profile to persist. I use one custom profile extender to store cookies but i don´t found the solution to make it persistent. I have tried using custom types serialized binaries with no sucess. Thanks for your help. source base from:lin...