
How to use gmon.out besides gprof?

What programs use gmon.out? ...

How to modify a C program so that gprof can profile it?

When I run gprof on my C program it says no time accumulated for my program and shows 0 time for all function calls. However it does count the function calls. How do I modify my program so that gprof will be able to count how much time something takes to run? ...

Recommendations for C Profilers?

Everyone always says to profile your program before performing optimizations but no-one ever describes how to do so. What are your practices for profiling C code? ...

How Can I Get the Arguments of Function Calls from the Firebug Profiler?

Firbug profiler outputs the functions called, but not the arguments/parameters of each function call. Is there any way to get those arguments? I've dug through the DOM tab for any of the given function calls that I know would have to have had some arguments, but was unsuccessful in pulling out any details. ...

Cannot make cProfile work in IPython

I'm missing something very basic. class C: def __init__(self): self.N = 100 pass def f(self, param): print 'C.f -- param' for k in xrange(param): for i in xrange(self.N): for j in xrange(self.N): a = float(i)/(1+float(j)) + float(i/self.N) ** float...

Identify individual sql user in SQL profiler And activity monitor

We're using SQL 2005 and want to identify individual users so we can trace their SQL for performance purposes, but we're finding it hard to unique identify who is who. We're using SQL 2005 with connection pooling so every user has the same user in the Activity Monitor. Their NT user name doesn't appear to be set - maybe because we're us...

How do I profile stored procedures on Oracle?

There is an Oracle DB to which I have access. I can view its packages using Aqua Data Studio and make queries to it. I don't have any access to the filesystem of the server. There is also a binary that uses that database by calling stored procedures from it. I want to know which stored procedures and with what parameters are used by th...

Why is JHAT missing "Object allocated from"

I am running the JHAT memory profiler. This example shows information attached to a single object: This info includes a section "object allocated from". When I run jhat, I get everything except the "object allocated from" section. Why? I can't see any setting that controls this. Enviro...

ActionScript 3 Profiler & Memory Analysis Tool

Hi guys, I'm using Adobe Flash CS 4 and would like to know are there any profiler or memory analysis tools available for it ? (actionscript 3). I know there are available tools for Flex, but are there for Flash CS 4 instead? Thanks. ...

SQL Azure Profiling

I read on the MS site that SQL Azure does not support SQL Profiler. What are people using to profile queries running on this platform? ...

Better Flex memory profiling tools

Does anyone know of any better tools that the Flex Builder Profiler? I've googled and googled to no avail. While the FB tools are OK for small apps / small leak situations, they're nowhere near adequate for wading through the thicket of object references that can arise in a large scale Flex app (that is leaking memory heavily). In parti...

Remote Debugging and Memory Profiling in PHP

Two Questions How can I debug PHP code remotely which is lying on the server, currently I am using var_dump's to check the value of variables ? How can I see how much memory and how much time particular function is taking to execute remotely which is lying on the server, any suggestion for good profiler for this ? Note: I am talking...

.NET Profiler for Azure ?

Does anyone know of a .NET profiler which works with Azure to figure out code bottlenecks. I have tried to integrate dotTrace profiler - but haven't had any success. Does anyone know of any that work with Azure ? Seems something which is very needed ? ...

Profile a C shared library called by Ruby program

I have a program written in Ruby and C. The C portion is a shared library, which is an extension for the Ruby program. I want to profile the C shared library I wrote, using gprof. I compile the shared library like this: gcc -I. -I/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux -I/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i486-linux -I. -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -fPIC -fno-strict-al...

VS 2008 Profiler - Caller/Callee view showing bottom of stack

Hello, I am currently trying to profile a class contained in a different assembly. To do this I created a small console application which calls into the public entry point of the class I want to profile. This enrty point is called Run(). This is working fine when I run my Console application in Debug mode and I can step into the Run() ...

Does the NetBeans CPU Profiler use Wall Clock Time or CPU Time?

Does the NetBeans CPU Profiler use Wall Clock Time or CPU Time? This is important to know, for example, when thinking about how I/O will be reflected in your profiling results. ...

New Relic for .Net?

Is there anything like New Relic for .Net apps? ...

What are some good PHP profilers that can be used?

I ve studied about profiler in php... Now i want to know What are some good PHP profilers that can be used? ...

What does program received signal: SIGKILL mean when profiling an app running on device and using the xcode profiler to detect leaks

What does program received signal: SIGKILL mean when profiling an app running on device and using the xcode profiler to detect leaks? My app broke on a line calling drawInRect on a UIImage instance top of call stack is CGGStateCreateCopy ...

Windows Performance Analysis Tool usage as a profiler

I have an application written in c++ using visual studio 2005. The application has certain performance problems. I would like to explore where. I need to drill down in which classes/methods/lines the application spends most of the time. Can this be done with the WPA? If yes, can you, please give me a pointer to documentation? ...