
Find each statement's execution count in Java

I am studying More programming pearls (Addison-Wesley, 1988) by Bentley J. and am stumped by the fact that I am unable to find any tool/ profiler for Java that can tell me the number of times each statement in executed in an actual flow (reference: Prime Number Finding algorithm optimization in Chapter 1). I tried using profilers, tried ...

What python data structure and parser should I use with Apple's system_profiler?

My problem is one like a simulated problem from which eventually made its way into Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition using an outdated xpath method from 2005 that I haven't been able to get to work with 10.6's build-in python(nor installing older packages) I want to ......

Java Profiler: JProbe Replacement for Mac?

I have been using JProbe on Windows and I liked it very much. Unfortunately, I have to ditch my Windows PC due to office space limitation so I am left with MACs only. As far as I know, JProbe doesn't have a MAC version so I am looking for an alternative on Mac OS X, preferably free and with Eclipse plugins. Do you have any suggestions? ...

Spring ApplicationContext taking up grotesque amounts of memory

Hello, I have numerous Spring Framework-based applications that run on a Tomcat 5.5 server. Some of them have their own instances, some share a server with other applications. The one thing they all have in common is that they require huge amounts of memory, more than I think they should really require. Are there any tools out there ...

Is there a remote profiler for Java? (that uses JMX preferably)

I am trying to pin down a memory leak problem for my standalone Java program that runs on unix. I have the port and params setup such that I can connect to it using JMX with JConsole or VisualVM already. Those help a little but unfortunately it doesn't tell you where the memory has gone, it only tells you how much memory is used. I'm l...

Visual Studio 2008 Profiler - C++ Library Problem

I have two VS2008 C++ projects. One builds a static library (.lib). The other uses that library and builds an executable. I would like to profile the .exe, but am primarily interested in the profile of the code inside the library. When I run the profiler in the .exe project, I only get stats on functions in that project, and the library ...

LTProf suitability with Visual Studio

I have gotten recommendations from my earlier question here that LTProf may be a good low-cost option, especially if I'm profiling my application which is built for Windows machines only. After reading the description here, I'm wondering if this application would work with Visual Studio rather than Visual C++. It would be great to hear s...

cProfile and Python: Finding the specific line number that code spends most time on

Hi, I'm using cProfile, pstats and Gprof2dot to profile a rather long python script. The results tell me that the most time is spent calling a method in an object I've defined. However, what I would really like is to know exactly what line number within that function is eating up the time. Any idea's how to get this additional inform...

opinions on yourkit .NET profiler?

Is anybody using the .NET profiler made by yourkit? I am looking for a good .NET profiler and stumbled upon the yourkit one. As I would purchase a single person license, it would cost 79 EUR for me, which is pretty ok imho. What I also like: the more or less easy to use and friendly GUI. But I am not very experienced in profiling .NET ...

.NET Attachable Profiler

Hi All, Is there any process-attachable .NET profiler available? The problem faced is that I am currently wanting to profile an online-only ClickOnce application, which cannot be started any other way other than the website. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks, Kyle ...

How to use profiler of Netbeans?

I want to find memory leaks in my java application but I don't know how to use Netbeans profiler to do that. ...

does oracle have a similar tool like sql server profiler

Possible Duplicate: Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server? hi all, i want to know whether there is a similar tool like sql server profiler in oracle. it is really useful. great thanks. ...

Java Profiler tool on Mac OS X

Hi guys, I'm developing both a Java app and J2EE webapp using Eclipse Europa on Mac OS X 10.5.8. The webapp provides a RESTful API layer for the Java app I've written. I'm running the webapp using tomcat from inside Eclipse. It seems like there are some serious performance issues and I would like to use a profiler to narrow down on th...

Javascript memory profiler

I'm looking for a good JavaScript Memory profiler, specifically one that targets IE. And any suggestions on how to go about finding javascript memory leaks would also be appreicated. ...

.NET 4 Profiler?

Does anyone know of a profiler that works with .NET 4 (beta 2)? I normally use the EQATEC profiler but it doesn't seem to be working with .NET 4 executables. ...

python cProfile and profile models skip functions

basically the cProfile module skips some functions when i run it, and the normal profile module produces this error. The debugged program raised the exception unhandled AssertionError "('Bad call', ('objects/controller/', 9, '__init__'), <frame object at 0x9bbc104>, <frame object at 0x9bb438c>, <frame object at 0x9...

VisualVM memory leak detection

I am trying VisualVM for detecting memory leak in java. I am using the version 1.2.1. I took two snapshots to try to capture the change of memory usage overtime. In a tutorial I read, it says that one can select there two snapshots and right click and select "compare". I followed this instruction, but could not find a "compare" option, I...

jBoss Profile - how?

Hi there, I want to profile my jBoss Apps on a remote server. I've tried the Eclipse TPTP project but with an invoked agent my jBoss Portal doesn't start and it ends in unlimited lines of exceptions. jProfiler doesn't work either, portal doesn't boot. Netbeans IDE Profiling seems only to work on local machines or did I missed somethin...

Keep track of the maximum memory use in java profiler

I am trying to detect memeory leak in my java codes with java profilers VisualVM. I want to report the maximum memory usage before and after I fix a memory leak. While running VisualVM or other java profilers, is there anyway to find out the peak of the memeory usage? Thanks! ...

Alternatives to gprof

What other programs do the same thing as gprof? ...