The Progress docs spill plenty of ink on SOAP, but I'm having trouble finding the example for a simple HTTP GET/POST with Progress ABL.
How do I GET and POST strings to/from a URL?
Can the URL be https://?
Can Progress provide HTTP Basic or HTTP Digest authentication?
I'm trying to get data out of a Progress 4GL database, into SQL Server.
Ideally, I'd like to do this directly and within .NET, rather than through an ODBC driver since the ODBC driver gateway in Progress doesn't support multiple-cores (at least on the version we have).
Do you know how to connect to a Progress 4GL database from .NET (id...
Hi All,
I need to convert procedures written in Progress 4GL to Oracle stored procedures. Is there any tool other than SQLWays using which I can achieve this?
Has anyone had success connecting to a Progress-4GL database with Delphi? I've been unable to establish any connection with the ODBC driver provided by the vendor (Progress OpenEdge 10.1C Driver). I've entered (what I believe are) the right parameters, but keep on getting an error whenever I test the connection:
with in do transaction, i defined a label and in this label i am accessing a table with exclusive-lock.and at the end of label i have done all the changes in that table. bt now i am with in transaction block.
Now, i tried to access that same table in another session.then it show an error, Table used by another user. So is it possible tha...
Back in 1985, when I was a Product Planner for AT&T-IS Labs (Unix Product Management), one of my primary duties was to evaluate emerging 4GL/RDBMS products, submit product plans and recommend whether AT&T should pursue a co-marketing or co-labeling agreement with the vendor or just test/certify it as compatible on our 3B-series systems. ...
I currently have an INFORMIX-SQL app I wish to re-write in OpenEdge/4GL(non-GUI) client with the Personal engine and would like to know the methods and details for dealing with record arrays where I need to display, update and add multiple transaction rows within Progress' forms. I also have several question regarding functionality, e.g....
Looking for the following forms functionality with INFORMIX 4GL?, ISQL with ESQL/C?, PROGRESS-4GL?, ORACLE? etc?
I have a CRUD form which displays a customer[master] with all of their asociated transactions in record arrays[detail] on the same screen:
[id ]
[fullname ]
[address1 ]
[address2 ...
I am testing a thick client which is connected to a database, need to sniff traffic b/w tcp port on same machine