
Realtime progress of AJAX call (

Hi... I'm trying to make a progress bar that updates the user on the progress of the AJAX call. My immediate thinking was that I need an AJAX call to start a thread on the server, allowing the starting AJAX call to finish, and allowing the thread to send updates back to the user. For the purpose of simplicity, disregard the actual pro...

iPhone HUD style progress bar

I've been wanting to create a HUD style loading bar like the SMS app on the iPhone used to have ( but don't know how. I was wondering if anyone has done this before or if there is a tutorial somewhere for it? I just think it looks so nice and would like to use it rather than the bu...

Getting progress reports from a layered worker class?

I have a layered worker class that I'm trying to get progress reports from. What I have looks something like this: public class Form1 { private void Start_Click() { Controller controller = new Controller(); controller.RunProcess(); } } public class Controller { public void RunProcess() { Th...

Update Progress Doesnt Work in Component Art Grid

Hello, It would be extreme pleasure , if you could please help me sort out the problem that I have been facing. Im using Component Art Grid control along with asp drop down list and both of these controls are in the UPDATE PANEL which allow me to update the Grid based on item selection from the drop down with having to postback the whole...

File upload progress

I've been trying to track the progress of a file upload but keep on ending up at dead ends (uploading from a C# application not a webpage). I tried using the WebClient as such: class Program { static volatile bool busy = true; static void Main(string[] args) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); // Add some...

progress indicator

Hi, Is there any way to make the progress bar into a circle shape? I have a play button in my apps and would like to show the progress of loading the song around the button. ...

Progress bar in notification bar

Hello everybody, I would like to put a progress bar in the notification bar. The idea is showing the progress bar while the program uploads a file to a server. Everything else is ok, but I can not figure out how to refresh the progress bar inside the notification. Does anybody knows any pattern to play with? I mean, where I should refre...

Best "Loading" feedback for ASP.Net?

So, we have an ASP.Net application - fairly standard - and in there are lots of updatepanels, and postbacks. On some pages we have <ajax:UpdatePanelAnimationExtender ID="ae" runat="server" TargetControlID="updatePanel" BehaviorID="UpdateAnimation"> <Animations> <OnUpdating> <FadeOut Duration="0.1" minimumOpacit...

How do i break a number down into a percentage (0 - 100%)? Details inside...

I am using a JS progress bar that is set using a percentage: 0 to 100 (percent). I need the progress bar to reach 100% when 160,000 people have signed a certain form. I have the total number of signers set in a PHP variable but am lost on how to do the math to convert that into a percentage that fits within 1 - 100 (so that the progress ...

are there progress update events in jquery ajax

i have long running task that gets called using jquery ajax. i am using the block ui plugin to show "loading". is there anyway i can send progress messages back to the client to show progress and have that updated on the block ui plugin message. So it will show this (as the server does its work) . . "Loading first source . . . " "...

Implementing java FixedTreadPool status listener

It's about an application which is supposed to process (VAD, Loudness, Clipping) a lot of soundfiles (e.g. 100k). At this time, I create as many worker threads (callables) as I can put into memory, and then run all with a threadPool.invokeAll(), write results to file system, unload processed files and continue at step 1. Due to the fact ...

ob_start() -> ob_flush() doesn't work

I am using ob_start()/ob_flush() to, hopefully, give me some progress during a long import operation. Here is a simple outline of what I'm doing: <?php ob_start (); echo "Connecting to download Inventory file.<br>"; $conn = ftp_connect($ftp_site) or die("Could not connect"); echo "Logging into site download Inventory file.<br>"; ftp_...

Ajax progress with PHP session

I have an app that processes images and use jQuery to display progress to the user. I done this with writing to a textfile each time and image is processed and than read this status with a setInterval. Because no images are actually written in the processing (I do it in PHP's memory) I thought a log.txt would be a solution, but I am not...

PyQt: How to Know Progress of a Process Running background

Hello there. Im in real confusion with the ProgressBar mechanisms. However now i need help on this "Can we know the percentage completion or time remaining of completion of a Process, that has been initiated from a Qt interface like this ` self.process = QProcess() self.connect(self.process, SIGNAL("readyReadStdout()"),

PyGTK Progress Bar of commands.getstatusoutput.

HI! I've been trying to get a PyGTK Progress Bar working by tracking the progress of rsync. TO rsync I'm using commands.getstatusoutput. Does anyone has an idea how to track the progress of rsync and display it on the PyGTK progress bar? Thank you! ...

Show javascript execution progress

I have some javascript functions that take about 1 to 3 seconds. (some loops or mooML templating code.) During this time, the browser is just frozen. I tried showing a "loading" animation (gif image) before starting the operation and hiding it afterwords. but it just doesnt work. The browser freezes before it could render the image and ...

Transaction & Locks Problem

with in do transaction, i defined a label and in this label i am accessing a table with exclusive-lock.and at the end of label i have done all the changes in that table. bt now i am with in transaction block. Now, i tried to access that same table in another session.then it show an error, Table used by another user. So is it possible tha...

Correct way to textually report the remaining time on a long running process?

So you have a long running process, perhaps with a progress bar, and you want a text estimate of the remaining time, eg: "5 minutes remaining" "30 seconds remaining" etc. If you don't actually want to report clock time (due to accuracy or resolution or update-rate issues) but want to stick to the text summary, what is the correct paradi...

Java SAX parser progress monitoring

I'm writing a SAX parser in Java to parse a 2.5GB XML file of wikipedia articles. Is there a way to monitor the progress of the parsing in Java? ...

Android: Progress Dialog spinner not spinning.

This seems to be an Android-wide problem, which you can see in API demos under Views -> Progress Bar -> Dialogs. Basically, if you show a progress dialog, it works as expected the first time around. If you dismiss it and show it again (without destroying the activity or anything like that), the spinning image stops spinning. In the API ...