
Project design / FS layout for large django projects

What is the best way to layout a large django project? The tutuorials provide simple instructions for setting up apps, models, and views, but there is less information about how apps and projects should be broken down, how much sharing is allowable/necessary between apps in a typical project (obviously that is largely dependent on the p...

How do you choose where to start?

On either a hobby project or an assigned project, how do you choose where to start? Do you start on the easiest component or the hardest component first? Do you build the system bottom-up, or in a top-down manner with stubs for low-level pieces to be implemented later? Do you research similar projects and just steal reuse whatever existi...

MVC general class location

In the MVC folder structure, where should general class files reside? For example, I have a class that determines the right DataContext to use, so I'm not reinventing the wheel in each of my controllers. Should it live in the Controllers folder even though it's not a controller? Should it be with the Models because it's database related,...

Should I use UML when designing new code and algorithms?

I'm designing a new system and finding that I am struggling with the structure of what I want to do. A symptom is that every time I re-approach the problem I have to try to draw the relationships of the components on paper. (It is not yet clear in my mind as to what these components are precisely or what the relationship is - for example...

Whats the working principle of

I came across webiste.I know that picks two random strangers and pairs them up and then can chat. In short, i know the functionality of it. But i want to create a similar project as my final year project, so i want to understand the technical details of it. Can any one suggest which will be the best technology for devloping s...

Feature categories for a social network

Not sure if this question belongs on SO. Anyway, please let me try to clarify the issue. I'm currently planning a social program. It's basically a chat server with the major additional ability to play games. I'd like to create categories of features that are offered to users. My question is, are there any useful standard feature categor...