
Assigning values : difference between properties and class variables ?

Hey guys, I noticed that I rarely use properties, due to the fact that I rarely need to access my object's variables outside my class ;) So I usually do : NSMutableArray *myArray; // not a property ! My question is : even if i don't declare myArray as a property, does iphone make a retain anyway if I do myArray = arrayPassedToMe;...

MS Access 2003 - Formatting results in a list box problem.

So I have a list box that displays averages in a table like format from a crossyab query. It's just what I need the query is right, there is just one thing. I had to set the field properties in the query as format: standard..decimal:2. Which is exactly what I needed. However..the list box will not pick up on this. First I typed the cro...

Axis2 webservice (aar archive) properties file

Hi there, guys. I'm currently developing a set of SOAP webservices over Axis2, deployed over a clustered WebLogic 10.3.2 environment. My webservices use some user settings that I want to be editable without the need for recompiling and regenerating the AAR archive. With this in mind, I chose to put them into a properties file that is l...

I'm making a simulated tv

I need to make a tv that shows the user the channel and the volume, and shows whether or not the television is on. I have the majority of the code made, but for some reason the channels won't switch. I'm fairly unfamiliar with how properties work, and I think that's what my problem here is. Help please. class Television(object): de...

Java: Modifying System Properties for a Java App

Hi, I am using a Java JMS GUI utility (HermesJMS), and in its runtime, I need to invoke: System.setProperty("", "s24park"); Is there a properties file within JDK( that stores system properties? ...

Ant replace properties

Hi. I've replaced properties file for Spring ApplicationContext using Ant, properties replaced correctly, and immidiately after Ant taskCalled, only after that first ApplicationContext call will be, but application context gets old property values ...

Access properties controls of a window from a page in WPF

Hi, My problem is that I want to access from a page to the properties of a control (button, textblock, label, or a menuitem of the window....) placed in a window. The page is placed into the window. How can I do this? Is there any method to find controls by name in a specific window or page or entire application? Thanks. ...

DataGridRow Cells property

I would like to get to DataGridRow Cells property. It's a table of cells in a current DataGrid. But I cannot get access direct from code nor by Reflection: var x = dataGridRow.GetType().GetProperty("Cells") //returns null Is there any way to get this table? And related question - in Watch window (VS2008) regular properties have an i...

Getting details of a DLL in C#/.NET

Is there a way to get the values of various properties of a (both .NET and non-.NET) DLL via C#? I'd like to read the 'Product name' field in particular. ...

How to force multiple Interfaces to include certain the same properties?

I am trying to figure out a way to force all of my Interfaces to include properties of the same name/type. For example: I have two Interfaces; IGetAlarms and IGetDiagnostics. Each of the Interfaces will contain properties that are specific to the Interface itself, however I want to force the two Interfaces (and all other Interfaces that...

Is there a way to specify a default property value in Spring XML?

We are using a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to use java properties in our Spring configuration (details here) eg: <foo name="port"> <value>${my.server.port}</value> </foo> We would like to add an additional property, but have a distributed system where existing instances could all use a default value. Is there a way to avoid upda...

Is it possible to use .properties files in web.xml in conjunction with contextConfigLocation parameter?

Here is part of my web.xml: <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> classpath:application-config.xml </param-value> </context-param> application-config.xml uses property placeholder: <context:property-placeholder location="classpath:properties/"/> ...

Are TestContext.Properties usable ?

Using Visual Studio generate Test Unit class. Then comment in, the class initialization method. Inside it add your property, using the testContext argument. Upon test app startup this method is indeed called by the testing infrastructure. //Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class [ClassInitia...

Creating a "netbeans property" style dialog box

Hi I've been trying to create a GUI using netbeans, that includes a dialog similar to Netbean's own "property dialog" that appears when designing. ie. a dialog that contains a table that can be expanded by tree nodes. Something like the dialog on this page, As far as I ca...

Objective-C categories: Can I add a property for a method not in my category?

I want to use a category to make a method on the original class available as a property as well. Class A: @interface ClassA - (NSString*)foo; @end Class A category @interface ClassA (Properties) - (void)someCategoryMethod; @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *foo; @end Now when I do this, it seems to work (EDIT: Maybe it does...

When the property get and set method has been called?

i have the following property declaration Public Property IsAreaSelected() As Integer Get Return If(ViewState("IsAreaSelected") Is Nothing, 0, Cint(ViewState("IsAreaSelected"))) End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) ViewState("IsAreaSelected") = value End Set End Property i wa...

Not Getting Profile properties in Code Behind.

I am trying to get Profile properties in the code behind. But I am not getting any intellisence like Profile.Homephone or Profile.CellPhone. When I try Dim memberprofile As ProfileBase = HttpContext.Current.Profile Dim homePhone As String = memberprofile.GetPropertyValue("HomePhone").ToString() I get Data is Null. This method or propert...

TypeConverters on the compact framework

I'm working on a compact framework project and whilst most of the properties are fairly straight forward (I.e. mark them as browsable in the xmta file), I'm struggling to get this to work for more complex types - on the full framework, I'd just implement a custom TypeConverter and go from there, but it seems the CF TypeConverter doesn't ...

How to avoid using the same identifier for Class Names and Property Names?

Here are a few example of classes and properties sharing the same identifier: public Coordinates Coordinates { get; set; } public Country Country { get; set; } public Article Article { get; set; } public Color Color { get; set; } public Address Address { get; set; } public Category Category { get; set; } This problem occurs more frequ...

Change type of control by type

Hi, I'm having following problem. I should convert a control to a certain type, this can be multiple types (for example a custom button or a custom label, ....) Here's an example of what i would like to do: private void ConvertToTypeAndUseCustomProperty(Control c) { Type type = c.getType(); ((type) c).CustomPropertieOfControl...