
How do I force my app to come to the front and take focus?

I'm working on an application that happens to be the bootstrap for an installer that I'm also working on. The application makes a few MSI calls to get information that I need for putting together the wizard that is my application's main window, which causes a progress window to open while the info is being gathered and then go away once ...

How to respond to a PropertySheet's OK or Apply button after the pages have processed it?

The PropertySheet API lets you define a PropSheetProc that can (on Windows XP and above) receive messages when the OK or Apply button is pressed. This lets you do processing when one of these buttons is clicked. However, this handler is called before the individual property pages receive the PSN_APPLY notification through their respecti...

Wrapping a PropertySheet; how to handle callbacks?

I'm writing an (unmanaged) C++ class to wrap the Windows PropertySheet. Essentially, something like this: class PropSheet { PROPSHEETHEADER d_header; public: PropSheet(/* parameters */); INT_PTR show(); private: static int CALLBACK *propSheetProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lParam); }; The constructor just i...

on Eclipse plug-in:how to implement such a property view?

I want to display a array of objects in PropertyView/PropertySheet,just like this: How to do it? thx. ...

Add Visual C++ property sheets using CMake

I'm currently porting a gcc project to Visual C++. It's defined in a CMake file, and I have created a Visual C++ property sheet to aid in compatibility (GccCompat.props). Everytime the Visual C++ project files are regenerated by CMake, the property sheet has to be added manually, since I don't know how to add it automatically. So, the qu...

Use of ATL Property in a Property Sheet

In Visual Studio 2005, if I right click on a C++ project file and select Properties, under Configuration Properties - General there is a set of properties called Project Defaults. One of the properties under Project Defaults is Use of ATL. If I right click on a property sheet (which the project inherits) in the property manager and sel...