
SPARQL query in Protege

I am trying to query my ontology through the Protégé Tool. But the result I am getting for my queries is "No Match Found". My SPARQL query is given below. SELECT ?g WHERE { ?g rdfs:subClassOf "#bomb" . } Please can anyone tel me why am I getting the result as this. Thanks in advance. ...

What scripting language should I learn for file/text manipulation tasks?

I am trying to design a script for the automation of a very tedious configuration process we had been doing by hand. The configuration process mostly consists of copying files from various ClearCase views, editing their contents in a predictable way, and putting them into a new local tree of directories. There's also some Protege and ...

How does Rowlex relate to Protege and are there other .NET offerings for OWL?

I work with RDF and OWL but until I came to SO I'd never heard of Rowlex and OwlGrinder. It's got a much larger presence on SO than Protege or Pellet (although from a smallish number of active people). Is it primarily the .NET equivalent of Protege or does it take a different approach (It stresses the Open-world assumption). There's very...

Creating a search application on Eclipse with GWT and Protege

Hi everyone I would like to create a search application connected to a RDF/OWL database on Eclipse. I would like to use the Google Widget Toolkit plugin for the front end and the Protege plugin for the database side. Do I need some other "essential" tool for creating this application? Thanks in advance ...

Error when compiling code with the Protege API

I am new to Protege API and I have just created on Eclipse a small application which uses an external OWL file. Also I did import all the necessary libraries. import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import edu.stanford.smi.protege.exception.OntologyLoadException; import edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ProtegeOWL; import ...

How to use OWL/RDL to represent and query a connected graph?

In PROLOG you can represent and query a connect graph, as in this tutorial: How would you do this using an OWL/RDL tool such as Protégé ( ...

how to create Java Application and query about OWL using SPARQL/Jena and how to do it on local/remote?

I want to create simple application using Java Jena and SPARQL ,that insert, delete , update and query the OWL/RDF data I worked on protege to create the ontology and noticed SPARQL in it but I want to use SPARQL using java and jena ... 1) I saw this thread and I knew how to use SPARQL with jena (after http)

How to use DL Query programmatically

Hello, I would like to know whether I can use DL Query in Protege programatically. Is it possible to enter a query in java and retrieve individuals like how it is done in SQL ? E.g. Query : hasCalorificContentValue value 723 and I would like to retrieve an individual called QuattroFormaggio. ...

jena ontology api

i'm new to jena and protege.i did some stuff with these. i have some problems:: 1) Do i need to use sparql query to get the ontology classes,subclasses,property and values? or can do it with owl-api? can u show me the way? 2) how to get the data property values? 3) how to i load the ontology that define in my local machine and access th...

get property value

HI, in my ontology i have the class called "festival" and it has property value called "CRISTMAS". it's a string type value.. son how can i get this value using JENA owl api.. CAN ANY ONE SHOW ME THE WAY :::::: THANKS ...

Ontology - Conflict of same individuals property and datatype property

I am having a problem with "same individuals property" in protege, when i run a reasoner (pellet 1.5 or fact++) Lets take ontology example thing has class sons A and B, A has sons C and D. B, C and D have individuals of the same class. Cant i say a individual C is "same individual" as individual B, and then add also individual D is...

get the DOMAIN values

i have a domian called "festival" and it has some individuals.the property name is "name". i can get the property values of each individuals belongs to festival. how can get the all the values belongs to FESTIVAL domain.. it should be a combination of each individuals property values... thanks::: ...

add property values in jena

how could i add property values in to individuals. i created a new individual called "laknath". then after i need to add the property values to it.. OntClass cul = model.getOntClass(""); Individual ind = model.createIndividual("

Using Protege owl ontology on Android

I have a practical seminar this semester, and I want to use ontology on Android application. I choose Protege owl ontology as a ontology API and this tool worked in normal Java project. But when I tried to import this jar files which for the owl ontology API in Android project.It will fail and I haven't found any solutions in the Intern...

RDF/OWL/Protege: let a subclass be a union of some disjoint super classes?

I have following classes: Classes B, C and D are the subclasses of A. A ----+----------> B | +----------> C | +----------> D Besides, I have an object property, hasObjectProperty, and some other classes X, Y, Z, where X, Y, Z are disjoint classes. Then I set restrictions to classes B, C and D as following: (He...

how we can create a quesry based on SPARQL to see the value of some data type property?

I create this query: PREFIX VB: <http://VBnet#&gt; SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x VB:HasName ?y } HasName is one datatype property. When I run this query in Protege, system show me just the subject without any value for datatype property. mwans ?y is empty. Also when I run in jena system show me just:(String) How can I see the val...