
Protocol buffer net with windows phone 7

I'm trying to download a response from a server wich is in Protocol Buffer format from a Windows Phone 7 application. I'm trying to do this with a WebClient, my problem is the following. The WebClient has only two method for downloading DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url)); and OpenReadAsync(new Uri(url)); but this two method are...

Google Protocol Buffers compliation error in CYGWIN

I am trying to compile protobuf-2.3.0.tar.gz & protobuf-c-0.13.tar.gz on the latest CYGWIN platform in windows. While compiling protobuf-c-0.13.tar.gz i am ending up with the following error: Is there any flag to update LD_FLAGS?? (even though i am able to compile 2.3.0 without setting any flags and my understanding was there is no ne...

Looking for an easy to use embedded key-value store for C++

I need to write a C++ application that reads and writes large amounts of data (more than the available RAM) but always in a sequential way. In order to keep the data in a future proof and easy to document way I use Protocol Buffer. Protocol buffer however does not handle large amounts of data. My previous solution consisted on creating...

Using Google Protocol Buffers with Java NIO?

I'm currently playing around with java.nio, which I haven't been using for a long time. I use Google Protocol Buffers for serialization and for communication with other parts of my system. Now I can't figure out if/how it is possible to get use protobuffers with java.nio classes. I can't imagine that Google is using only "one thread per...

Protocol buffers handling very large String message?

Hi all, I was finally able to write protocol buffers code over REST and did some comparison with XStream which we are currently uses. Everything seems great, only stumble with one thing. We have very large messages in one particular attributes, say something like this message Data { optional string datavalue=1; } Datavalue above a...

Scala protocol buffers compiler

Hello, I was thinking about writing a code generator to generate scala from google protobuf definitions file. The reason I see it valuable is the java bindings are too Java-ish and one could do much better in scala. For example for the following definition message Foo { required int F1 = 1; repeated string F2 = 2; message Inner ( ...

protobuf-net and deriving from generic collections

I am having trouble figuring out how to get protobuf-net to serialize an object that derives from List< T >. I have tried adding the ProtoInclude attribute but I receive an ProtoBuf.ProtoException : Known-type List`1 for ProtoIncludeAttribute must be a direct subclass of UserTypeCollection. When I remove the ProtoInclude attrib it appear...

Add raw serialized value to a repeated field in protocol buffers (protobuf-net, protobuf-csharp)

I am looking for a way to add a serialized value of an object (byte[]) to a repeated field in a protocol buffers message. I have an application that keeps data items in serialized form in memcached and needs to deliver them to remote clients. The client requests data items by providing a list of keys and the server sends back the list o...

Design question about protocol buffer events

I am developing a system that will provide many services, say, S1, S2, S3. Each of these services have a number of executables that will communicate using events, using protobuf. My question is: Which one do you think is better design: (1) Combine all events for all the services (currently about 10-15) into one big my_events.proto defin...

Protobuf, how to add custom version detail in binary

I want to tag each protobuf serialized data with my own version number. so i can check which version was used to serialize data if required. Although protobuf is designed around idea so you don't need to check version. To do that i can use same way we have been doing in .net serialization add version field in it. Just want to confirm t...

Protocol buffer polymorphism

I have a C++ program that sends out various events, e.g. StatusEvent and DetectionEvent with different proto message definitions to a message service (currently Active MQ, via activemq-cpp APU). I want to write a message listener that receives these messages, parses them and writes them to cout, for debugging purposes. The listener has s...

Marshall multiple protobuf to file

Background: I'm using Google's protobuf, and I would like to read/write several gigabytes of protobuf marshalled data to a file using C++. As it's recommended to keep the size of each protobuf object under 1MB, I figured a binary stream (illustrated below) written to a file would work. Each offset contains the number of bytes to the nex...

About Google's protobuf

I know it can be used to send/receive structured object from file, but can it be used to send/receive sequences of structured object from a socket? ...

Date and time type for use with Protobuf

I'm considering to use Protocol Buffers for data exchange between a Linux and a Windows based system. Whats the recommended format for sending date/time (timestamp) values? The field should be small when serialized. ...

Error when using Google's protobuf

#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h> namespace google::protobuf::io .... int fd = open("myfile", O_WRONLY); ZeroCopyOutputStream* raw_output = new FileOutputStream(fd); CodedOutputStream* coded_output = new CodedOutputStream(raw_output); The above is following the tutorial here, but when I compile get the following errors: er...

How to convert a pipe handle to file_descriptor(int) for Google's protobuf

I tried to use the handle hPipe as following the example here: hPipe = CreateNamedPipe( lpszPipename, // pipe name PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, // read/write access PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | // message type pipe PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | // message-read mode PIPE_WAIT, // bloc...


Hi, I'm using Jon Skeet's (excellent) port of Google's Protocol Buffers to C#/.Net. For practice, I have written a dummy Instant Messenger app that sends some messages down a socket. I have a message definition as follows:- message InstantMessage { required string Message = 1; required int64 TimeStampTicks = 2; } When the send...

How to clear buffer of protobuf?

Clear all bytes writen so far, is there a way to do this with protobuf? ...

Xmpp server to server using protobuf

I am tasked with creating a text messaging system with low bandwidth server to server connections. The other developers already use protobuf to send data for other parts of the system between these same server locations, and it would be helpful to continue that trend for the text messaging portion. Server to client connections are not ba...

Google Protobuf and Jmock

Hey there Need to setup JMock code to test call back with google protobuf Full project is located at In short, following are methods signatures (below) what I need to do is to test method getLongValue, using Jmock JUnit4Mockery what is the best and cleanest way to go about this ...