
Efficiently sending protocol buffer messages with http on an android platform

I'm trying to send messages generated by Google Protocol Buffer code via a simple HTTP scheme to a server. What I have currently have implemented is here (forgive the obvious incompletion...): HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); String url = ""; HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(url); ...

Thrift / Google Protocol Buffers on Windows

Hi All, Looking at Thrift and Google Protocol Buffers to implement some quick RPC code. Thrift would be perfect if the generated C++ code compiled on windows (which is what I need). And of course, GPB creates RPC stubs, but no implementation. Is there a way to get Thrift Windows friendly? Or, even better, are there any RPC implementat...

App Engine and commons FileUpload...

I'm sending a message built with google's protocol buffer from and android device using this code: // Set up the HttpClient HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); String url = ""; HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(url); // Create the content for the message AbstractContentBody[] parts = ne...

In Google's Protocol Buffers, what is a suitable protocol file/model for Exceptions?

Protocol Buffers doesn't have a native Exception type. What would a suitable .proto file for cross-language exceptions look like? ...

protobuf-net - backticks, Dictionaries & .proto files

I'm trying to talk to a C# program that uses protobuf-net from an iphone using Unfortunately the .proto file I've been given (generated from the C# source code) includes an a line that protoc is rejecting: repeated Pair_Guid_List`1 Local = 6; It appears that this is because ...

Is there a standard mapping between JSON and Protocol Buffers?

From a comment on the announcement blog post: Regarding JSON: JSON is structured similarly to Protocol Buffers, but protocol buffer binary format is still smaller and faster to encode. JSON makes a great text encoding for protocol buffers, though -- it's trivial to write an encoder/decoder that converts arbitrary protoc...

How do I use Google Protocol Buffers with a C++ client and a C# WCF service?

Several questions: How do I get my C# WCF service to use Protocol Buffers? How do I write a C++ client for a WCF service? How do I get that C++ client to use Protocol Buffers when talking to the WCF service. There seems to be lots of tiny snippets of information out there, but nobody appears to have pulled it all together in one plac...

Protocol buffer deserialization and a dynamically loaded DLL in Compact Framework

I saw a question related to this on the full framework here. Since it seems to have stayed unresolved for quite a while and this is for the compact framework, I though it would be better to create a new question for it. I want to deserialize types for which I am loading assemblies dynamically (with Assembly.LoadFrom) and I am getting a ...

Using Protocol Buffers in J2EE?

Hello everyone, I have coded a server that uses Protocol Buffers in Java. A client talks to it using PB. I'd like to migrate the server code to J2EE and take advantage of the containers' built-in features like clustering. How can I have a service that receives PB messages and interprets them properly, and then gets them handled? I wa...

JBoss Service with SSL and Protocol Buffers

Hello everyone, I'm interested in building a JBoss service. Because I'm reusing some existing code, the service must be able to talk SSL/TLS and Protocol Buffers. The documentation I see on the JBoss wiki makes it look like services have their transport and data interpretation handled by JBoss itself. Is it really the case? How could ...

RPC for java/python with rest support, HTML monitoring and goodies

Here's my set of requirements: I'm looking for an RPC framework such as thrift, avro, protobuf (when adding services to it) which supports: Easy and intuitive IDL. No serial numbers, no manual versioning, simple... avro is a good example for this. Works with Java and Python Supports both fast binary prorocol, as well as HTTP based re...

Program hangs when calling parseFrom for java implementation of protobuf

I have a message (say its called OuterMessage) message OuterMessage { optional int64 id = 1; optional InnerMessage inner = 2; } and an inner message message InnerMessage { optional string type = 1; optioanl int64 id = 2; } Now when I call parseFrom on OuterMessage like OuterMessage.parseFrom(buffer) the method never...

Visual Studio 2010 and protobuf-csharp-port

We're using Jon Skeet's proto-csharp-port, and I'm running into some difficulties when mixing it with ReSharper in Visual Studio 2010. We generate the .cs files via a custom MSBuild target, hooked up as follows: <Target Name="BeforeBuild" DependsOnTargets="CompileProtos" /> The CompileProtos target runs ProtoGen and then adds the gen...

Are there any databases that support protocol buffers?

Are there any databases, in either the SQL or NoSQL worlds, that support protocol buffers? (Support could mean various things, but hopefully would include being able to index on fields in protocol buffers.) ...

Serialization of non-required fields in protobuf-net

I have a working java client that is communicating with Google, through ProtoBuf serialized messages. I am currently trying to translate that client into C#. I have a .proto file where the parameter appId is an optional string. Its default value in the C# representation as generated by the protobuf-net library is an empty string, just a...

Google Protocol Buffers - Fixed size buffer?

Hi All. Using Google Protocol Buffers, can I set a maximum size for all messages I encode? if I know that what I encode is never larger than X bytes, then Google Protobuffs would always produce a buffer of size Y, and if I give it a smaller amount of data, pad it to size Y? ...

How to process a .proto file using protobuf-net

I have stated using the protobuf-net lib to communication between some of the programs I'm maintaining. I have also been able to decode messages from C# to Ruby. My ruby ProtoBuf lib is using a .proto file to generate the ruby code. In the interest of having to make changes in as few places as possible I would like to have protobuf-net u...

Smart or Not: Persist serialized data (dotnet-protobuf, protobuf-net, json) in a Relational DB in CF

I have started reading some of the posts related to protocol buffers. The serialization method seems very appropriate for the transfer of data to and from web servers. Has anyone considered using a method like this to save and retrieve data on the mobile device itself? (i.e. a replacement for a traditional database / orm layer) We curre...

Are there any Tutorials for Protobuf-net?

I have been reading about protobuf-net and it is amazing! Are there any tutorials that I could use? (More specifically for Dictionary<TKey,TValue> and contracts for generics) Are there any tips associated with it? Could I simply plug it into my current codebase or are there any changes I need to do? ...

adding protoc to xcode

How does one add the protoc (Protocol Buffers) compiler to xcode so .proto files are compiled when building the project? also, these files have to be built first so the auto generated files are then available to the C++ compiler. ...