
How RSS and ATOM inform client about updates? long polling or polling or something else?

I red that RSS and ATOM are HTTP based using XML. So how RSS or atom reader are informed about content updates if HTTP doesn't support connections? They need to poll to server periodically? I'm interested in using it in real time web application but i heard that "polling doesn't scale". ...

PubSubHubBub and notifications

I use this example: but I have a problem. It doesn't log anything in notifications.log. I use both PubSubhHubbub plugin for wordpress to send notification to the hub and blogger ,but I doesn't receive anything. In system.log is written:Positive response to "subscribe" request - that's all. ...

PubSubHubbub error to confirm subscription

I use this code: <?php if(isset($_GET["hub_challenge"])) { echo $_GET["hub_challenge"]; } else { } $ch = curl_init(""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"hub.mode=subscribe&hub.verify=sync&hub.callback=;hub.topic...