
Long-running callback contract via WCF duplex channel - alternative design patterns?

I have a Windows service that logs speed readings from a radar gun to a database. In addition, I made the service a WCF server. I have a Forms and a CF client that subscribe to the service and get called back whenever there is a reading that satisfies certain criteria. This works in principle, but after some time the channel times out. ...

Architectural Patterns Pub/Sub Scaling and Disaster Recovery

We will have a source system broadcasting messages over a JMS compliant pub/sub infrastructure. For the majority of messages published the subscribers will be GUI applications updating a screen with the data in the message. One of the subscribers, however, will be a translation service. For certain messages published the translation s...

What technology should I use to implement a durable subscriber accessible from .NET?

Assuming a green field project, what choice of technologies, libraries, middleware, etc. would make it easiest to implement publish-subscribe messaging with durable subscriptions on Windows and .NET? I found WCF Peer Channel using Google, which seems to do most of what I need, but I do not think it guarantees message ordering, nor does ...

What are good ways to get something like D-Bus to work across multiple Linux machines, possibly through firewalls?

The D-Bus specification says that D-Bus is.. a simple way for applications to talk to one another... Currently the communicating applications are on one computer... I would like something like D-Bus but to work across multiple Linux machines, and there may be firewalls involved. For example, if my mail server decides it receives a...

How relevant is the OpenAjax Alliance to the average web developer?

The OpenAjax Alliance states that it is an "organization of leading vendors, open source projects, and companies using Ajax," but I don't find any questions on stackoverflow that reference them. I am wondering if it is important to the practicing web developer. John Resig has a Thoughts on OpenAjax blog post in Feb 2007, but I can't fi...

multithreading And Subscribe/Publish approach in javascript

Hi, I understand that there is no multithreading support in javascript. And i wanted some expert advice on the below scenario.. My requirement is to perform a AJAX call and upon successful completetion, i want to trigger set of events (to update the different parts of UI parallely) I am planned to use Subscribe/Publish pattern, is i...

How to Publish and subscribe an event in MVP (WPF) in UI application

Hi, I am using Publisher and subscriber events to display messages in the status bar of UI applciation. In status bar presenter, I am subscribing it public class StatusBarViewPresenter { private IStatusBarView _view; private IEventAggregator _eventAggregator; public StatusBarViewPresenter(IStatusBarView view, IEventAggregat...

WCF - Publisher-Subscriber - Subscription Problem

Publisher Interface [ServiceContract] public interface IPublisherInterface { [OperationContract(IsOneWay = false)] void Publish(MessageClass e, string topicName); } Subscriber Interface [ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IPublisherInterface))] public interface ISubscriberInterface { ...

WCF - Publisher/Subscriber - Event

Is it possible to implement a publisher/subscriber model in WCF only by using events (i.e. not Lists or Dictionaries)? If yes, plz provide me with a web link of an example application, Or any article that talks about this. ...

Event Aggregation...What exactly is going on?

Hi, I have often times wondered about it but now that I have encountered a piece of logic that incorporates it, I thought I should go ahead and get some help on deciphering the fundamentals. The problem is as follows, I am looking at a WPF application that is utilizing the Composite Application Library. Within the source of the applicat...

Jquery - Publish and Subscribe?

Hi there, Is there such a thing as publish and subscribe for use with jquery to send msgs from 1 javascript page to another.. Using the same idea behind ajax publish and subscribe? I would like to use the pattern for communication between pages, i have been using a javascript framework lately but recently converted back to jquery and w...

Are there any lightweight publish/subscribe libraries for intra-app communication?

At work the product i get to maintain has a lot of "moving parts" one of the main sticking points I have with how its architected is that should ten different locations need to know that a new item in a list is selected, a direct code path must be coded. For example in the following layout. Form1 ...

Creating a Publish-Subscribe Pattern to integrate to the DAO pattern.

Hi everyone, Based on the question ( I will like to know. I have a fully implemented DAO with Entity beans containing only getters and setters method. Each entity is mapped to an EntityManager. Currently there ...

Checkbox remains unchecked after calling Ajaxed Action

I am using strtus2 <s:checkbox name="checkAll" theme="simple" fieldValue="true" value="%{checkAll}" onclick="javascript:show_op_col_url();return false;"></s:checkbox> Java Script function show_op_col_url() { dojo.event.topic.publish("show_op_col_url"); } Action Class : protected boolean checkAll; public b...

How to synchronize Juval Lowy's Publish/Subscribe framework?

I'm trying to employ the WCF Publish/Subscribe framework described in Lowy's book "Programming WCF Services". But in some cases it is needed to synchronize between events. For instance, if I have a client that is executing its business then it fires (publishes) an event and continues to execute until at one point it needs to block until...

Event Aggregator Implementation Sample / Best Practices

I'm looking for samples / best practices of Event Aggregator implementation. Anyone help ? ...

List all tables that are currently published for replication MS-SQL

I need to get a list of all tables that are published for replication from MS-SQL 2005/2008 databases. Is there a system stored procedure or a query I could run to generate such a list? Thank you, ...

Could a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) be used for a dynamic web application? Another P2P design?

Could a Distributed Hash Table be used for a two-way web app with a pub/sub type application? I'm investigating building a forum type application but with a DHT architecture and P2P (although a central lookup server would be OK to improve performance). Think of a Gnutella/Kazaa type application on the client side but, rather than hittin...

Publish/Subscribe paradigm: Why must message classes not know about their subscribers?

From Wikipedia: "Publish/subscribe (or pub/sub) is a messaging paradigm where senders (publishers) of messages are not programmed to send their messages to specific receivers (subscribers). Rather, published messages are characterized into classes, without knowledge of what (if any) subscribers there may be" I can understand why a send...

jQuery plugin for Event Driven Architecture?

Are there any Event Driven Architecture jQuery plugins? Step 1: Subscribing The subscribers subscribe to the event handler in the middle, and pass in a callback method, as well as the name of the event they are listening for... i.e. The two green subscribers will be listening for p0 events. And the blue subscriber will be listening ...