
how can i get the executable's current directory in py2exe?

I use this bit of code in my script to pinpoint, in a cross-platform way, where exactly it's being run from: SCRIPT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) Pretty simple. I then go on to use SCRIPT_ROOT in other areas of my script to make sure everything is properly relative. My problem occurs when I run it through py2exe, ...

Window Icon of Exe in PyQt4

I have a small program in PyQt4 and I want to compile the program into an Exe. I am using py2exe to do that. I can successfully set icon in the windows title bar using the following code, but when i compile it into exe the icon is lost and i see the default windows application. here is my program: import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui cl...

How can I run a py2exe program in windows without the terminal?

Could someone explain to me how can I run my py2exe program, a console program, without the terminal on Windows? I'm trying to make a program that re-sizes windows and it supposed to start with windows, so I want it hide out but still running... ...

Error while transforming .py to .exe...

When I try to transform my script in an executable, I get this error after it's done: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in <module> File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 98, in load_module ImportError: MemoryLoadLibrary failed loading win32api.pyd I'm using this script to convert: from distutils.core i...

py2exe error (importErorr:DLL load failed :The specified module could not be found)

when i compile a python application with py2exe i get the bellow error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "myapp.pyw", line 2, in File "pymssql.pyc", line 30, in File "_mssql.pyc", line 12, in File "_mssql.pyc", line 10, in __load ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. here are the

How to use py2exe icon_resources in wxPython application?

I have a wxPython application I'm bundling into an exe using py2exe. I've defined an icon in the file using the following: setup( windows=[ { 'script': '', 'icon_resources': [(1, 'myicon.ico')] }, ], ) This works, but I'd like to be able to access that icon from my wxPy...

Any downsides to UPX-ing my 32-bit Python 2.6.4 development environment EXE/PYD/DLL files?

Are there any downsides to UPX-ing my 32-bit Python 2.6.4 development environment EXE/PYD/DLL files? The reason I'm asking is that I frequently use a custom PY2EXE script that UPX's copies of these files on every build. Yes, I could get fancy and try to cache UPXed files, but I think a simpler, safer, and higher performance solution wo...

As a newbie, where should I go if I want to create a small GUI program?

Hello, I'm a newbie with a little experience writing in BASIC, Python and, of all things, a smidgeon of assembler (as part of a videogame ROM hack). I wanted to create small tool for modifying the hex values at particular points, in a particular file, that would have a GUI interface. What I'm looking for is the ability to create small ...

How do I use py2exe with paver?

I'm using paver to build my Python application, and I'd like to create an executable using py2exe. I've got the following in my from paver.setuputils import setup from distutils.core import setup import py2exe import paver paver.setuputils.install_distutils_tasks() ... but when I run paver py2exe I get "Build failed: py...

Python and .exe files, another way

How to build exe files from py files (compatible with win32)? please don't refer to py2exe. that is blocked service in IRI. for Iranians only: do you know how to download something (like py2exe) from blocked sites? especially from sourceforge ande fontforge? ...

exe created by py2exe give error

i have created an exe from py2exe. After successfully creating the exe, i got the following error when i run main.exe. File "_mssql.pyc", line 12, in <module> File "_mssql.pyc", line 10, in __load ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. I am using pymssql module for sql server. ...

python cx_Freeze egg problem

im trying to build an executable (for 32bit windows xp) from a python script (which uses lots of eggs) i considered py2exe(0.6.9), PyInstaller (1.4) and cx_Freeze (4.1.2) py2exe doesnt like eggs for breakfast PyInstaller doesnt like python 2.6 for lunch) so i went with cx_Freeze (supposed to support eggs seamlessly since 4.0). but fo...

Can Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package be freely redistributed

I am planning to use py2exe to make an application developped with Python 2.6. It seems that my app need the VC redistribuables : I've read this tutorial and the redistribuables license agreement and I am not sure if I can freely redistribute these files with my program. (I don't have VS20...

py2exe/pyinstaller and DispatchWithEvents

I have a program that uses the win32com library to control iTunes, but have been having some issues getting it to compile into an executable. The problem seems to revolve around using DispatchWithEvents instead of Dispatch. I've created a very simple program to illustrate my problem: import win32com.client win32com.client.gencache.is_re...

Look of the app - Py2exe / wxPython

So my problem is the look and feel from my application, as it looks like an old look app. It is an wxPython application, and on python it runs fine and looks fine, but when I convert it to .exe using py2exe, the look is just bad. Now I know that if you are using XP you need some manifest to correct it but I am in other circumstances. I...

wrap py2exe in its own executable

Hi, Is it possible to generate a .exe of py2exe's functionality, such that I can create python .exe files without running python? Seems like circular logic that is unlikely to work, but would be handy otherwise. ...

Having py2exe include my data files (like include_package_data)

I have a Python app which includes non-Python data files in some of its subpackages. I've been using the include_package_data option in my to include all these files automatically when making distributions. It works well. Now I'm starting to use py2exe. I expected it to see that I have include_package_data=True and to include a...

How to add packages into .exe file using py2exe?

Hello, I have an app with two packages.. My is like this: sys.argv.append('py2exe') setup( options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1}}, windows = [{'script': ""}], zipfile = None, ) After creating the .exe I have to put the packages in the same folder as the .exe file. How can I include them in the .ex...

Making py2exe produce `.py` files

Is there any way to make py2exe output .py source files instead of byte-compiled .pyc files in the library? ...

Why does py2exe remove `help` and `license`?

I packaged my Python app with py2exe. My app is a wxPython GUI, in which there is an interactive Python shell. I noticed that I can't do help(whatever) in the shell. I investigated a bit and discovered that after the py2exe process, 3 items were missing from __builtin__. These are help, license, and another one I haven't discovered. Wh...