
pycurl script can't login to website

I'm currently trying to get a grasp on pycurl. I'm attempting to login to a website. After logging into the site it should redirect to the main page. However when trying this script it just gets returned to the login page. What might I be doing wrong? import pycurl import urllib import StringIO pf = {'username' : 'user', 'password' : '...

Get Request Using PyCurl after logging into website

After doing a post to log into my website, I try to do a get on my the site and I get a bunch of garbage "�0������`&)��붋...." instead of the data from my site. Why is that? How do I fix that? ...

Silencing libcurl/pycurl PUT and POST

I have a python script which does a bunch of PUTs and POSTs, and when they are successful curl will output the updated html to stdout. I was wondering if there was a way to keep it from doing this? I don't really care about this information, so sending it to a file isn't necessary, but that seems to be the only solution I can find. ...

How do you directly write to a request body in Python

I am currently implementing code to call out to an API where the post request body needs to contain several columns of data in csv format. e.g. Col1, Col2, Col3 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 etc, with the content type header is set to 'text/csv' How do I directly write to the request body? I have a coworker who is doing the same thing as I am...

Python: Get the redirect urls using cURL

I am interested in getting the intermediate URLs in a redirect chain using pycURL. So, say I have a website, Site A, which redirects to Site B, which then redirects to Site C. Regularly I would only be able to see Site A (the starting URL) and Site C (the ending URL), however I am also interested in any sites that happen to reside in bet...

What's the difference between pycurl and curl in python

Newbie question: Python 2.6, Ubuntu 10.04, I can import both pycurl and curl, the former having different names for functions (set_option vs. setopt). What's the difference between the two modules? ...

How do I install pycurl for python2.6 (CentOS 5)

Hi all, I can't install pycurl for python 2.6 on my server run CentOS 5. I use easy_install-2.6, but it output many errors. output here: Help would be great. : ) ...

Unable to close a stream opened with pycurl

I am working on a client for a web service using pycurl. The client opens a connection to a stream service and spawns it into a separate thread. Here's a stripped down version of how the connection is set up: def _setup_connection(self): self.conn = pycurl.Curl() self.conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, FILTER_URL) self.conn.setopt(py...

How can I implement my PHP curl request to Python

This PHP code below fetches html from server A to server B. I did this to circumvent the same-domain policy of browsers. (jQuery's JSONP can also be used to achieve this but I prefer this method) <?php /* This code goes inside the body tag of then returns a set of form tags to be echoed in the body tag...

Python code like curl

in curl i do this: curl -u email:password How i can do this same thing in python? ...