
How to center a GNOME pop-up notification?

To display a GNOME pop-up notification at (200,400) on the screen (using Python): import pynotify n = pynotify.Notification("This is my title", "This is my description") n.set_hint('x', 200) n.set_hint('y', 400) I'm a gtk noob. How can I make this Notification show up centered on the screen, or at the bottom-center of the s...

Python: pynotify network problem

I am using pynotify and this is the code I am trying to get to work: #! /usr/bin/python try: import pynotify if pynotify.init("Telebrama Alert"): n = pynotify.Notification('Message','This is test message') n.set_urgency(pynotify.URGENCY_CRITICAL) else: print 'There was a problem in in...

How can I copy a remote image over HTTP to gtk.gdk.pixbuf by Python?

Hello, this is first post here and I am a noob programmer. This may be a stupid question. I'd like to create a personal Twitter notifier on GNOE Desktop. And I've decided to use pynotify and Tweepy. Now I just want to make pynotify show Twitter user's icon, and there seems to be 2 ways using pynotify; setting URI to local image file, or...

Weird pynotify behaviour in Ubuntu 9.10

Hi, I wrote a small app and I am using pynotify to show some messages to the user. It all works fine here in arch, but when I tested it in Ubuntu, the behaviour was very weird. Because of the way Ubuntu shows notifications (as what seems to be a rip of of growl), I can't click on them, or interact with them in any way, for that matter....

How to set a local image in pynotify?

If I run the following in python in Ubuntu 10.04: >>> import pynotify >>> p = pynotify.Notification ("Notice","","/home/george/Pictures/test.png") >>> true The message displays as expected, except the image does not appear in the OSD. How can I display a local image? In fact, for what I need, it would be better if I could di...

How to get pynotify to display line breaks and HTML?

How can I make pynotify display line breaks and HTML in the notifications? Here is what I got: >>> import pynotify >>> n = pynotify.Notification ("This is a test.\n\nAnd this too!", "","notification-message-im") >>> Contrary to what is expected, there is no line-break between the two sentences....

How to customize pynotify?

How to set icon size in the notifications? How to set how much time the notification have to be shown? Where is a complete pynotify documentation? Can the notification be clickable? (example: if I click on the notification, print "hello world" in the terminal). ...

What does pynotify.init stand for ?

I haven't find a documentation about pynotify... so I don't know what pynotify.init() funciont stand for. Help me :) ...