
How to start IDLE (Python editor) without using the shortcut on Windows Vista?

I'm trying to teach Komodo to fire up IDLE when I hit the right keystrokes. I can use the exact path of the shortcut in start menu in the Windows Explorer location bar to launch IDLE so I was hoping Komodo would be able to use it as well. But, giving this path to Komodo causes it to say that 1 is returned. This appears to be a failure...

How to check a file saving is complete using Python?

I am trying to automate a downloading process. In this I want to know, whether a particular file's save is completed or not. The scenario is like this. Open a site address using either Chrome or Firefox (any browser) Save the page to disk using 'Crtl + S' (I work on windows) Now if the page is very big, then it takes few seconds to sav...