
QSettings - File chooser should remember the last directory

Hi ... i upload a file from a location, then the next upload has to point the last uploaded location. how can i accomplish that using QSettings... Thank you for any help ...

C++ - QSettings question

Hello! Does Qt has something like QSettings, but for local scopes? I am seeking for a data structure with the same methods, but not specific for APPLICATION. I mean, I want to construct local (for example, exporting settings) settings from file (xml, for example) and use them in local scope - without polluting global application s...

Qsettings - where is the location of the ini file?

hi, I'm using Qsettings to store some data as ini file in windows. I want to see the ini file - but I don't know what is the location of the ini file. this is my code: QSettings *set = new QSettings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "bbb", "aaa"); set->setValue("size", size()); set->setValue("pos", pos...