





Does Qt has something like QSettings, but for local scopes?

I am seeking for a data structure with the same methods, but not specific for APPLICATION.

I mean, I want to construct local (for example, exporting settings) settings from file (xml, for example) and use them in local scope - without polluting global application settings.

Is that possible (with QSettings or some other class)? How should I construct the object then?

+3  A: 

You can use

void QSettings::setPath ( Format format, Scope scope, const QString & path ) 

to set the format (as specified in the doc)

QSettings::NativeFormat 0 Store the settings using the most appropriate storage format for the platform. On Windows, this means the system registry; on Mac OS X, this means the CFPreferences API; on Unix, this means textual configuration files in INI format.

QSettings::IniFormat 1 Store the settings in INI files.


the scope:

QSettings::UserScope 0 Store settings in a location specific to the current user (e.g., in the user's home directory).

QSettings::SystemScope 1 Store settings in a global location, so that all users on the same machine access the same set of settings.

So if you are on Windows and want to write User-specific settings, you would use the IniFormat and the UserScope values and specify the path where you want to write your settings in the path variable.

Hope this helps.


You create a datastream and write the data into the file in member by member fashion.
