
Setting a watch point for a variable with Qt Creator

How to say to Qt Creator to stop debuging if an object has been changed and show the line where it is changed? ...

Debug into Qt sources

Is it possible to step into Qt sources, e.g. qmainwindow.cpp, in Qt Creator? At the moment I'm seeing the disassembly, but it would be nice to see the sources instead. ...

Qt Creator Designer Issue

A friend just recommended that I try Qt Creator, so I downloaded it from http://qt.nokia.com/. When I tried to make a hello world application using the GUI designer, I could not drag any widgets onto the window. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and Qt Creator 2.0.0 on Qt 4.7.0 (64 bit). I am able to compile projects, but not add widgets to the UI...

Where does qt creator save my projects

Somebody knows where qt creator (in which directory) saves my projects? ...

an error in qt_creator

hello, I begin to study qt (I have qt creator, last version), so I read the reference how to begin to work with it and I'm trying to compile project "Animated Tiles" but I receive an error, can somebody please explain why: Running build steps for project animatedtiles... Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step. Starting: "D:/QT_pro...

Compile standalone exe problems

So I made a program using Qt Creator (Windows) and I compiled and ran it. It runs fine on my computer, but when I send it to a buddy of mine, he gets these errors: The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. The program can't start because mingwm10...

using qwt in QT Creator gives error Collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Starting: C:/Qt/2010.02.1/mingw/bin/mingw32-make.exe -w mingw32-make: Entering directory C:/Qt/2010.02.1/qt/qwt/qwt-5.2.1/textengines/data_plot' C:/Qt/2010.02.1/mingw/bin/mingw32-make -f Makefile.Release all mingw32-make[1]: Entering directoryC:/Qt/2010.02.1/qt/qwt/qwt-5.2.1/textengines/data_plot' linking ....\examples\bin\data_plot.exe...

Not receiving any error but no result also in Qt Creator when trying to use qwt.

Application output is: C:\Qt\2010.02.1\qt\qwt\qwt-5.2.1\examples\bin\graph.exe exited with code -1073741515 Compile Output is: Running build steps for project graph... Configuration unchanged, skipping QMake step. Starting: C:/Qt/2010.02.1/mingw/bin/mingw32-make.exe -w mingw32-make: Entering directory C:/Qt/2010.02.1/qt/qwt/qwt-5.2.1/e...

documentation of qt

hello, is it possible to find some information about qt, I need chm file with all documentation of all classes, thanks in advnace I need chm file with this information http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/classes.html somebody knows where can I find it? ...

where is the hid.lib file in windows?

I'm doing some HiD programming and I'm trying to locate HiD.lib file to add to my .pro Qt file. However I can't find it. Below is an excerpt of said file: win32:LIBS+=-lSetupAPI.lib -L"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib" \ -lKernel32.lib -L"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib" \ -lHi...

qt example from the book

hello, I have this snippet of the code: #include <QApplication> #include <QFont> #include <QPushButton> #include <QWidget> class MyWidget : public QWidget { public: MyWidget(QWidget *parent = 0); }; MyWidget::MyWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { setFixedSize(200, 120); QPushButton *quit = new QP...

checking memory leakage in qt_creator

hello, can somebody please explain, is it possible to check memory leakage in qt creator, if yes, how? thanks in advance ...

Qt Creator: Run in Terminal

I want to get full console functionality running the program in Qt Creator, the same problem as described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1356328/console-input-with-qt-creator When I check "Run in Terminal" in configuration properties, empty terminal window is opened, without my program output. Tools - Options - General - Termi...

how to get number of the current position of the cursor (qt)

hello everybody, I need small help, I'm using class Qslider from qt, how can I get the number of the current position of the cursor (with which function I can do that) thanks in advance edited I want to implement one thing: when I reach the max of the interval I want to quit, how can I do this with slot and signal? ...

qt specific implementation

hello, I have this snippet of the code: #include <QApplication> #include <QFont> #include <QLCDNumber> #include <QPushButton> #include <QSlider> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QWidget> class MyWidget : public QWidget { public: MyWidget(QWidget *parent = 0); }; MyWidget::MyWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent...

difference between connections in qt

I have some constructor for the class LCDRange: LCDRange::LCDRange(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QLCDNumber *lcd = new QLCDNumber(2); lcd->setSegmentStyle(QLCDNumber::Filled); slider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); slider->setRange(0, 99); slider->setValue(0); connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChan...

QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread

I am using Qt Creator 1.3.0 with Qt 4.6.0 (32 bit) under Windows 7 Ultimate. Consider the following QThread: Header class ResultThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT QString _post_data; QNetworkAccessManager _net_acc_mgr; signals: void onFinished(QNetworkReply* net_reply); private slots: void onReplyFinished(QNetworkRep...

what's the difference between Qmainwindow and Qwidget and Qdialog?

whats the difference between Qmainwindow and Qwidget and Qdialog in Qt programming. Are they similar with java awt and java swing? ...

How can I see qDebug messages while debugging in QtCreator

I'm making the transition from Eclipse CDT (with Qt integration plugin) to QtCreator 2.0 but there is still one thing that bother me with QtCreator : When I debug in QtCreator, I don't see my qDebug messages inside the Application output tab until I stop the application I'm debugging... Then they are all displayed at once which is not v...

Is it possible to call the JavaME MIDlet from Qt Application

Hi to all, I want to call Java ME Midelet Application calling from Qt Application. Is it Possible to Implemnt... ...