
How can I add the QtSql library in Qt creater?

when I compile the codes which has database connection, there's an error like, QtSql: No such file or directory I suppose that the sql library must be in Qt, but I dont have any idea why an error occured ? what to do for enable the database's libraries? Can you help me please, thanks ...

parsing compiler output from MS cl.exe

In Windows with cl.exe , warning format is d:\path\Hello.cpp:131:2: <...> error format is d:\path\Hello.cpp(694) : <...> Somehow, qt-creator parses and shows these errors but does not open the file when clicked: File not found. I tried every toolchain creator 2.0 offers. I'm using jam and had to manually redirect 2>&1 stdout to stde...

How to edit QtWebKit's right-click context menu in Qt Creator?

Alright, here's my dillema. I am making a simple application with Qt Creator that makes use of Webkit. I thought Qt Creator would have an easy way to edit the right-click context menu with the signals and slots editor, but this has proven to not be true. I know webkit has classes that have to do with the context menu, but I don't know ho...

What's difference between class QWebView; vs. #include <QWebView>

What's difference between these defining; #include "QWebView" class QWebView; ...

İs it important to declare the namespace with QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE .. QT_END_NAMESPACE

What is the effect of QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE? QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QLineEdit; QT_END_NAMESPACE If I dont use the class declaration like that, is there any problem occure? ...

Using a PrivateFramework with QT Creator

There is an example of XCode project supplied with OpenCV Private Framework. Could you please describe how it can be used with QT Creator? ...

Using QtMobility in QtCreator: Setup??

I am trying to set up a development environment to play around with developing Qt apps for Symbian devices. I have succesfully set up the environment and am able to create simple apps such as HelloWorld and get them to run on my device. I would now like to try using the QtMobility package, but I am struggling to get it to work in QtCre...

QT Creator compile C++ file? Very simple question

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "Hello World!"; return 0; } This code works, but it run then close windows immediately. Need a fix :) ...

How to see Qt Source code while coding by Qt Creator ?

How to see Qt Source code while coding by Qt Creator ? when I Debug my program and hit a break point, and when I press F11 over a Qt function , Debugger steps into source code of that function, it is very interesting stuff :D now, I will see the source code of Qt functions in Qt creator while coding , not at Debug time :D ...

Missing mingwm10.dll

I am coding a c++ project with Qt Creator. Everything is working fine (debug, release), but when I run the compiled .exe directly (go to exe file and run it) it says mingwm10.dll is missing. What can I do about this problem? ...

public slots but not signals in qt

hello, can somebody please explain why do I create in qt public slots but not public signals, thanks in advance ...

qt problems with coursor

hello everyone I have some problems with my qt-creator, when I write some program sometimes I begin to use coursers of the keyboard (<-, ->), and when I press one of them my qt-creator doesn't work approximately 10-20 seconds, what may be the problem? thanks in advance ...

Is Qt Quick the way to go to build a modern GUI for a C++ application?

After 4 years of absence I'm finally coming back to Qt development again. I'm quite impressed by the development it has gone through, but also a bit confused by Qt Quick, which got just introduced in Qt 4.7 For me it seems like something to build a quick, appealing guy with some logic in Java Script. However, if I'm going to build a C++...

How to turn off auto spell checking in QtCreator?

I'm currently using QtCreator 2.0, it seems that an auto spell checking feature is enabled by default, you known, sometimes it's really annoying. So I looked around in the options, but find no switcher exists for me to turn it off. How can I disable it? Thanks in advance. ...

Makefile and QTCreator

I am new to programming under linux and not familiar with makefiles since MSVC-Express hides such things very well. But now i wanted to play with some code I found, but it won't compile in qtcreator. But with the makefile in the package i can successfully compile and use it. So all dependencies (libraries and headerfiles) must be correct...

information about fonts of qt

I'm trying some infromation about fonts in qt but can't find, can somebody please help me, I'm working with the last qt-creator, how does it work, qt-creator has some fonts from inside program, or it depends on fonts on my PC, thanks in advance ...

linking mac framework to qt creator

Hi, I have a project that uses SystemConfiguration.Framework. I've been using xcode, where adding the framework is quite easy, just add it to xcode project's framework. But now, I need my project to be cross platform, so I'm using QT Creator as a single IDE, for Windows and Mac. The problem is that I don't know how to tell QT Creator ...

Disable qt creator auto build when debug

How to disable qt creator from auto building when trying to debug? Currently when debug button is clicked, it automatically starts build. I want to disable this and just proceed to debug. ...

Nokia Qt SDK and Qt Mobility API

It looks like Nokia Qt SDK does not provide QtMultimediaKit with the package which is a part of Qt Mobility API 1.0.2. e.g. I cannot use QMediaPlayer to play *.mp4 file (Simbiot^3) QMediaPlayer *player = new QMediaPlayer; playlist = new QMediaPlaylist(player); playlist->append(QUrl("http://example.com/myfile1.mp4")); playlist->se...

Using QGraphicsScene subclass with ui?

I have implemented signals for mousePressEvent() in a QGraphicsScene subclass, but I can't figure out how to use the class in a UI. I can add a QGraphicsView widget to my UI, but how do I then access the scene? GraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene(this); // Add pixmap, etc ui->graphicsView->setScene(scene); // Here's where I'm stuc...