
Problem in displaying child frames' names in a Qt Jambi Web Application

The following is a code snippet from a Qt Jambi browser application. public void loadDone() { statusBar().showMessage("Loading done...");System.out.println("kya 1"); System.out.println(browser.page().mainFrame().frameName()); List list=browser.page().mainFrame().childFrames(); for (Object frame :...

Downloading a ../favicon.ico page into QByteArray through QNetworkManager - not working

Below is a small QtJambi code to download contents from a webpage. public void loadDone() { QNetworkAccessManager nm=new QNetworkAccessManager(); nm.finished.connect(this,"done(QNetworkReply)"); nm.get(new QNetworkRequest(new QUrl("http://www.bing.com"))); } public void done(QNetworkReply reply) { QByteArray ba=reply.re...

Why is this snippet showing : Exception in thread "main" com.trolltech.qt.QNoSuchSlotException:

printersetup=file.addAction(hme=new QIcon("../Desktop/images/kya/32x32/kaka.png"),"Printer Setup"); printersetup.triggered.connect(new QObject(){ public void setup() { setup1=new QPrintDialog(printer); setup1.accepted.connect(new QObject(){ public void accept(QPrinter printer) { System.out.println("nana"); browser...

How to handle uncaught exception from slot in Qt Jambi?

Sometimes, the Jambi framework code calls some of my code - for example, when I've connected a button's clicked signal to my own slot, and the button gets clicked. Now, if my code then throws an exception, Jambi swallows that exception and prints it to the console. I'd like to handle the exception manually (because I want to write it to...