
MFC Control in a Qt Tab Widget

I'm working on a project that is using the Qt/MFC Migration Framework and I'm trying to reuse some existing MFC controls inside of a Qt dialog. Does anyone know if it is possible to insert an MFC control (CDialog or CWnd) inside of a QTabWidget. Right now we're doing the opposite, we have an MFC dialog with a tab control which is popula...

QWinWidget Inside MFC Dialog Not Repainting or Responding to Tab/Arrow keys

I am using a QWinWidget inside of an MFC dialog and the QWinWidget is not drawing itself correctly and it is not handling keyboard input correctly. Repainting [Unsolved] Within the QWinWidget, I have a QTableWidget. When I scroll the QTableWidget, it does not redraw itself until I stop scrolling, at which point it redraws everything. S...

Resizing Mfc dialog with embeded QWinWidget

Hello I asked my question on qt centre forum, but no answer yet. Hope someone will know something about this. I have an Mfc dialog with QWinWidget inside it. When I resize my dialog I want my QWinWidget to automatically be resized and repositioned as well. This is the code that creates the QWinWidget inside the mfc dialog : int MyCDi...

Minimizing Mfc application with open Qt dialog

Hello I am using QtWinMigrate solution to show dialogs from my plugin dlls that are loaded in third party Mfc application. The problem is the following : When I minimize the main window of my Mfc application, and when I restore it back again, all of my open Qt dialogs are lost. I found out that actually my Qt dialogs are destroyed i.e...

Deleting QWinWidget

Hello I am using mfc to Qt migration and I am showing Qt dialogs in my Mfc app. Is it Ok to deleteLater QWinWidget in its winEvent handler? The thing is that I want all of my open Qt dialogs in My Mfc application to be automatically deleted when the main mfc window is closed. Since WM_DESTROY will be sent for all child windows ( and th...

DllMain and Qt Mfc Migration

Hello I am using the Mfc to Qt migration solution, to migrate my Mfc plugin to Qt. My Mfc plugin is loaded in third party Mfc app. Basically I am using the following example Qt based Application Extension : BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID ) { static bool ownApplication = FALSE; if ( dwReason == DLL_P...

QWinWidget's position is always 0 (zero)

I hosted a QWinWidget in a CView and want it to stay at a designated position when resizing. But QWinWidget always moves to (0, 0), i.e. left-top corner of the CView. I tried to debug in this way: QWinWidget* pWidget = new QWinWidget(pCView); pWidget->move(50, 50); QPoint pos = pWidget->pos(); Note that: the pos is always (0, 0). Wh...

Can I draw Qt objects directly to Win32 DC (Device Context)?

I can draw Qt objects to an QImage and then draw the image to HDC or CDC. This may hurt our application's performance. It would be great if I can draw Qt objects directly to Win32 HDC or MFC CDC. I expect that there is a class, say QWin32Image for clear, then I can use it in this way: QWin32Image image(hdc, 100, 100, Format_ARGB32_Premu...

How to print QGraphicsTextItem in MFC application

I have used QGraphicsTextItem in my MFC applications for text editing, then converted the results to a bitmap to show in the view (screen). But it has issues when printing. For example, if I print to a PDF file, the text is not scalable since it is a bitmap and the file size is also big. How can I print the QGraphicsTextItem in the MFC ...