
Qt Tab widget that wraps its menu bar

When the menu of a QTabWidget grows beyond its width, the default behaviour is to turn the tab menu into a horizontaly scrollable list. What I'd prefer is to wrap the menu round so you now have two rows of tabs. This style is used on some Windows dialogs. I can't find any way to do this though. Is anyone aware of a trick or option to al...

Query related to threads in Qt

Hi, i want my application to wait indefinitely till a task gets completed in another thread. How to perform this in Qt. in windows we use waitforsingletonobject but is there any alternative to this. can i get some hints from you guys.. Thanks ...

Start program on second monitor(Qt framework)

Hi I'm writing a program(just for learning purposes, I want to learn C++) in the Qt framework. Is it possible to get how many monitors are connected to my computer and make the program start on different monitor? I want to have an option in the Properties menu where I can tell on which monitor to show the program. I could not find anyt...

QLineEdit Focus Event

Hi, I have two widget mainwindow123 and second-class. In my MainWidget.cpp have one lineedit and button field. Initially I can set the focus on the line edit. But after come from the second.cpp Widget then I could not set the focus on the lineedit. Please help me.. Which place I did the mistake? Thanks in advance. This is my code MainW...

How to save and load QListWidjet contents to/from QSetting with PyQt4?

I've got a QListWidget in my PyQt4 app. It contains folders paths. I want to save its contents to QSettings and load them later. I used this code to do this: def foldersSave(self): folders = {} '''create dict to store data''' foldersnum = self.configDialog.FolderLIST.count() '''get number of items''' if foldersnum: f...

Iphone Style Option menu in Symbian s60 5th Nokia ?

i am a newbie in Qt can any one knows about how to make Qt Option Menu for symbian s60 5th i want to duplicate the menu style like i Iphone. Thanks in Advance. ...

How to solve the DLL function call problem

Hi, i have couple of query's with respect to DLL, 1)If i load the DLL in run time, i guess DLL will be in separate thread right? 2)If i call a function present in DLL, and that function takes much time to return the value then how can i make my application thread to wait till the DLL's function return value. How can i solve the seco...

QTableWidget Update Problem on Windows XP

I have a small Qt Dialog which contains a QTableWidget. The QTableWidget's contents show a live view of a data pool as well as being able to edit the pool's values. Now on Windows 7 everthing works just fine, unfortunately on XP the QTableWidget's contents aren't updated. This is the code used to update the item's data. tableWidget->...

Access files using QFtp on a TLS service

I am writting a client using Qt and the QFtp class to retrieve files from an FTP service. The FTP service requires the use of a TLS connection. Where can I set the QFtp object to use TLS? I've already attempted to use the direct raw command retrieved from an FTP client. ...

Kind of QPainter WYSIWYG Editor?

I need to draw a complicated object with Qt primitives using QPainter. The thing is I really need to do this in a such uncomfortable way, because it's part of the task. So, is there a kind of WYSIWYG editor, when you just draw object like you would in Gimp or Paint, and get pre-made code for Qt? The object is pretty complicated to draw m...

C++ to pyQt movie player Widget conversion example ??

http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/multimedia-videowidget.html http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/widgets-imageviewer.html I´ve found those links above but I must say I´m not familiar with C++ at all and I could not convert to PyQt ... Would be extremely helpfull if someone could post a simple conversion code here, so I could dig into that. Thanks...

QSortFilterProxyModel: index from wrong model passed to mapToSource - why?

I'm getting this in my application output and can't figure out the problem. My code, which is in a subclass of QTableView, with model() returning a QSortFilterProxyModel: const QSortFilterProxyModel *proxy = dynamic_cast<const QSortFilterProxyModel*>(model()); QModelIndex proxy_index2 = proxy->index(row, column, QModelIndex()); Q...

QVariant to QObject*

Hi, I'm trying to attach a pointer to an QListWidgetItem, to be used in the SLOT itemActivated. The pointer I'm trying to attach is a QObject* descendant, so, my code is something like this: Image * im = new Image(); // here I add data to my Image object // now I create my item QListWidgetItem * lst1 = new QListWidgetItem(*icon, seri...

QT separator widget ?

Greetings all, Is there any widget to separate two QWidgets and also give full focus to a one widget. As shown in following figure ? Thanks in advance, umanga ...

How to hide a QWidget under its parent?

I have a modal QDialog, that on the click of a button slides a modeless child QDialog out from underneath it. The problem I have is that the child stays on top of its parent during the animation. I think I could get away with applying a mask over the portion of the child that overlaps the parent, but it feels like I'm missing a more obv...

QT4 How to draw inside a widget ?

QT4, QTCreator I am trying to draw inside Widget: void Widget::on_pushButton_clicked() { QPainter painter; painter.begin(ui->label); QRectF rectangle(10.0, 20.0, 80.0, 60.0); int startAngle = 30 * 16; int spanAngle = 120 * 16; painter.drawArc(rectangle, startAngle, spanAngle); painter.end(); } But wh...

QT4 How to blur QPixmap image?

QT4 How to blur QPixmap image? I am looking for something like one of the following: Blur(pixmap); painter.Blur(); painter.Blur(rect); What is the best way to do this? ...

What's the preferred way to include QML sources in your application build?

I am building an application with mixed UI technologies (mostly C++ with some QML components included). Suppose I have a QML item which I want to show inside a QDeclarativeView using syntax like this: view = new QDeclarativeView(QUrl::fromLocalFile("foobar.qml")); I have added foobar.qml to my project in Qt Creator which automaticall...

One QWebView -> Many QWebPage

How is it possible to handle "Open link in new window" to open a new QWebPage instead of new window, saving the previous QWebPage in a stack and show the new one with QWebView::setPage()? I'm new to Qt (and even C++), recommendation on how to fix the stack is also appreciated. ...

Qt QWebView class custom User-Agent

Is there an easy way to setup the User-Agent the QWebView class is using? The only relevant link I found searching was this http://www.qtforum.org/article/27073/how-to-set-user-agent-in-qwebview.html I'm learning C++/Qt right now and I don't really understant what's explained on that website. Maybe someone knows an easy way to do it...