
Qt4 - Updating the gui from a different thread

In C# you can do the following whenever you need to update the gui from another thread: control.Invoke(delegate() { // Do whatever you want in the gui thread here }); Is there something similar and as simple for Qt4? (PyQt4 specifically) I would rather not get into signals, slots, and use native threads instead of QThreads if po...

How do I subclass QApplication properly?

I am a newbie with PyQt4 (and QT altogether), and am facing a problem, I have subclassed QApplication (to have global data and functions that really are global to the application): class App(QApplication): def __init__(self): QApplication.__init__(self) self.foo = None def bar(self,x): do_something() ...

qt VS2010 LNK2001, LNK 2019 Errors

Hi I am working on qt with VS2010 and I am getting these linking errors which I am not able to figure out. Its not like I didn't tried anything...I had linked my qwt lib paths correctly and also added qwt5 in additional dependencies. Please help me out if someone can. Waiting for replies... Error 67 error LNK2001: unresolved external s...

PyQt4 SIGNAL/SLOT problem when using sub-directories

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this. Apologies that it is somewhat verbose. But hopefully it fully explains the problem. Stripped code demonstrating the issue is included. I'm having an issue with PyQt4 SIGNAL/SLOTS. While I can make everything work fine if I am writing in a single file, I can't make things work if I some...

Nokia QT SDK Thread Concept

Hi, Can any one tell me please about the Thread in QT. Thanks in advance. ...

QGridlayout changes height of row

I have a problem with a QGridLayout. One row of my layout contains an element (QProgressbar) that is normaly hidden. When there is some progress to report i call show on it. The problem is that when i call show on the QProgressbar the row above the row containing it will be slightly resized in height (1-3 px). So the whole layout does a ...

How do I get some slot/function to be executed when a certain QTableWidgetItem is checked / unchecked in PyQt

I have a dynamically created table, that has N rows and M QTableWidgetItems (that are only used as checkboxes) per row - I need to run code that knows the row and the column whenever a checkbox is checked or unchecked. My CheckBox subclass looks like: class CheckBox(QTableWidgetItem): def __init__(self): QTableWidgetItem.__...

QT Thread_ Issues

Hi, I am using the following code.. But I got the error like THREAD Started QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread. (Parent is CGNetwork(0x10151d0d0), parent's thread is QThread(0x1016015b0), current thread is RenderThread(0x10155de40) Code: RenderThread.cpp RenderThread::RenderThread(CGNetwor...

Qt4 QGraphicsView: How-to set QPen on float position

Hi, I've a QGraphicsView with an image and a custom cursor. The cursor is made out of two QPen-DotLines. A x-axis dotLine and a y-axis dotLine. The cross of the two lines is the mouse-cursor position. The problem, when I zoom in, the cross is not more under the mouse-cursor position. For example, when the values of the mouse-cursor are...

Qt thread call issues

Please help me. I am struck-up with thread concept. Actually my problem : I want to display the cities List in the combobox. I am getting cities list from the webservice. I am using thread for update the combo box value after webserice call finished. Here I can call the webservice. But I couldn't get the Reply. I am using the followin...

Value access in C++

HI, I have two clases A and B, Here A is inheriting B and now i want to access a variable in B from A, I included A header in B and tried to access but showing some error in QObject. Is it possible to acces like this.. Please help ...

Find text in QTextEdit and scroll the line to top

There is a QListWidget containing keywords for search and a QTextEdit containing some text. Clicking on one of the keywords should result in matching the word in the QTextEdit and scrolling the corresponding line to the top. I connect the QListWidget and the QTextEdit with signal/slot and perform a QTextEdit::find(), which almost result...

How to check if a QWidget is already showing?

I'm developing a plugin UI for an existing application using PyQt4. The window is created using uic.loadUi() on the press of a button in the main window. The problem is that if I press the button again (while the window is showing) the window is re-created and unsaved changes are lost. I don't want to make the window modal. Which options...

Using main menu as toolbar in Qt

Hi, I'd like to create a toolbar that contains main menu, just like the standard main menu at the top of the window. Is there some fast way to do this in QT ? I know that I can create a toolbar with buttons and context menus :-) Thx for help. ...

QString replace urls with links

I'm receiving messages from a socket and writing an html log of it. I need to search the messages for any kind of urls and retrieve the list and also to replace it with foo. ...

QWidget - Issues

Hi, On execution (no compile error) I get on the console QWidget::setLayout: Attempting to set QLayout "" on CGSearchResult "", which already has a layout I am using the following code. Please help me.. THanks is advance CGSearchResult::CGSearchResult(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { initControls(); SetTableContent(); } ...

What Linux IPC to use between a c program and a C++ Qt app?

Hi I have a old school c program that now and then need to tell a C++ Qt based application about some "events" that has occurred on my system. But when I started to work with this problem I noticed that some ipc techniques is quite easy to use in the c program. And then we have some Qt specific styles that works quite well in the "Qt...

QTableView Pagination

Hi, I am using the Nokia QT for develop the mobile application. I want to make the pagination with QTableView. Is it possible ? I will get data from the webservice. If the data size is 20 means then i have to show the table in twopage. If it is 30 means then three page. Please help me.. THanks is advance ...

Qt 4.7.0 static build for wince

Hi! I can't do a static build of Qt 4.7.0 for WinCE. First I copy Qt 4.7.0 wince sources to C:\Qt\4.7.0_wince Run a configure with params: -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wincewm60professional-msvc2008. Then setcepath.bat for wincewm60professional-msvc2008 and then nmake. Everything was alright. Then I need to do a static version ...

QPushButton Issues

Hi, I am using the following code for create a button. It is working fine. but I got the yellow rectangle at the left corner. Why? Please help me. Thanks in advance, backButton = new QPushButton(tr("Back")); connect(backButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showSearchResultPage())); backButton->setStyleSheet( ...