
Message Queue or Scheduler

Hi all, I am currently using Quartz Scheduler for asynchronous tasks such as sending an email when an exception occurs, sending an email from the web interface, or periodically analyzing traffic. Should I use a message queue for sending an email? Is it any more efficient or correct to do it that way? The scheduler approach works just...

Running a Job only once Using Quartz

Is there a way i could run a job only once using Quartz (java). I understand it does not make sense to use Quartz in this case but the thing is i have multiple jobs and they are run multiple times so i am using Quartz. Is this even possible. ...

Finding Last Fired time using a Cron Expression in Java

Is there a way in Java to find the "Last Fired Time" from a Cron Expression. E.g. If now = 25-Apr-2010 10pm, cron expression "0 15 10 ? * *" (quartz) should return me 25-Apr-2010 10:15am Note: 1) I do not care if we use standard cron expressions (like Unix and Quartz) or less popular ones if they can fetch me the correct "Last Fired Ti...

quartz hardware clock

Hi I am using quartz in my project and have one cron job. The cron expression I give the trigger (CronTrigger) as the running parameter is alighnt with the pc's hardware clock. Any ideas how to tell the job to look at the software clock instead ? For instance I have a Job running for a year , and the it runs exactly at 10pm, and someda...

Spring scheduler shutdown error

During development a SPRING based scheduler in a tomcat container, I always get this logoutput at undeploy webapp or shutdown server: Apr 28, 2010 4:21:33 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stop INFO: Stopping service Catalina Apr 28, 2010 4:21:33 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads SEVERE: A ...

Spring 3: task namespace: How to find out time of next execution?

I have a bean that has a method executed on a schedule using <task:scheduled> in the context configuration. Is there a way for me to find the time of the next scheduled run during execution of that method? The same method is also executed manually, and the mechanism for receiving scheduler information may not break executions from outs...

Quartz: triggering multiple jobs

In Quarts, can I use a single trigger to schedule multiple jobs, so that all the jobs gets executed in parallel. What is the best way to do this. Example, every hour execute Jobs j1, j2, ..., jn in parallel. Assuming that there is no dependency between the jobs. ...

Set thread priority for job in grails

I have a job running on a grails app that I need to run with lower priority. Is there a configuration to set that? ...

Quartz Scheduler - Not running the task

I am working on scheduling the tasks using Quartz API. I tried scheduling notepad.exe and in the logs, I see the following line - org.quartz.jobs.NativeJob runNativeCommand About to runcmd.exe /C c:/WINDOWS/notepad.exe ... But the notepad is not coming up. Same is the issue with any exe or batch file. I also see the notepad.exe as a run...

How to run multiple jobs with spring quartz and the jobs are feched from database.

How to run multiple jobs with spring quartz and the jobs are feched from database. Please provide any example code. ...

Does this cron expression mean every other Sunday?

Hi, Does the following cron expression mean "execute every other Sunday?" (I'm trying to use it with the Spring Quartz scheduler) 0 0 3 ? * 2/1 *" Thanks Nick ...

Update an existing JobDataMap

I have a Quartz job that has already been scheduled. I want to update the JobDataMap associated with it. If I get a JobDataMap with JobDataMap jobDataMap = scheduler.getJobDetail(....).getJobDataMap(), is that map "live"? ie. if I change it, will it be persisted in the scheduler? If not, how do I persist it? ...

Search the Quartz maps

Hi, I would like to store some properties in the quartz datastore (jdbc) and then be able to find all triggers/jobs that match. E.g. store the user id related to a trigger and then query like user_id=555. Previously, I used to query the database directly but this is naturally not a good way. Anyone has another suggestion on how to a...

Quartz how to schedule an online action as a scheduled job?

I developed a web application and one of the function is to send emails. I like to have the behaviour whereby the actual sending of emails is done in a batch job. Meaning when user click on the trigger button in online screen. The job for sending emails will be scheduled to run instead of immediately run. How to do that exaclty? Any sa...

How do I configure encodings (UTF-8) for code executed by Quartz scheduled Jobs in Spring framework webapps?

I wonder how to configure Quartz scheduled job threads to reflect proper encoding. Code which otherwise executes fine within Springframework injection loaded webapps (java) will get encoding issues when run in threads scheduled by quartz. Is there anyone who can help me out? All source is compiled using maven2 with source and file encod...

How does quartz track the time

How does quartz track the time ? Is it a continuous timer running in background or does it somehow uses the OS scheduler or is it something else ? Which class actually holds this feature ? Thanks. ...

How to maintain a job history using Quartz scheduler

I'd like to maintain a history of jobs that were scheduled by a Quartz scheduler containing the following properties: 'start time', 'end time', 'success', 'error'. There are two interfaces available for this: ITriggerListener and IJobListener (I'm using the C# naming convention for interfaces because I'm using Quartz.NET but the same qu...

Externalize quartz config in grails

Hello, I'm trying to externalize the QuartzConfig.groovy I want to be able to set autoStartup to true or false with an external file. In Config.groovy it is possible to use the grails.config.locations and set properties file that override the properties. Is there something like this in QuartzConfig.groovy ? Thank you ...

Quartz scheduler theadpool

The SimpleThreadPool class shipped along with Quartz Scheduler does not have a FIFO behavior. I want to make sure if I keep adding jobs to the scheduler, they are addressed in a First - in - First - out basis. Is there any ThreadPool available for this ? Or is there any other way to achieve this? ...

What is corresponding Cron expression to fire in every X seconds, where X > 60?

I want my jobs to execute in every X seconds, there's one to one matching between job and X. Also during runtime there can be registered new jobs with their own intervals. I've tried to write cron expression for such scenarios, but in documentation there's written that value of seconds can't be more than 59. So cron expression like this...