
Ordering query result by list of values

I'm working on a sql query that is passed a list of values as a parameter, like select * from ProductGroups where GroupID in (24,12,7,14,65) This list is constructed of relations used througout the database, and must be kept in this order. I would like to order the results by this list. I only need the first result, but it could be ...

postgresql querying on multiple identical tables

Hello I have several databases, such as mytable_2009_11_19_03 where last 2 numbers identify the hour (table for 03:00), now I want to query something from _00 to _23 . It could be done in such way but it is really clumsy select * from mytable_2009_11_19_00 where type = 15 UNION select * from mytable_2009_11_19_01 where type = 15 UNION ....

query select Sqlite Objective C iphone

hi people! well, I have problems with my queries,i dont know why!! please help i try to select an id from a table named moneda and I give the name like parameter, this is my method with my query : -(int)ConsultaIdMoneda:(NSString*) nombreMonedaParametro { int idMonedaObtenido; NSLog(@" entre a consultar id de la moneda desde...

how to add new column in ms access by matching values

in an ms access database with two tables TableA MSN PR1 12 A 13 B 11 C 14 X TableB MSN PR2 14 L 12 M 13 O 11 X how can i write an sql query so that PR2 columns gets added to TableA but only after matching the MSN values . so the final TableC would be TableC MSN PR1 PR2 12 A...

sql query to show all records except for certain records

i have an ms-access table TableA MSN PR 11 - 13 A 12 Dead 14 B 15 C How can i write an sql query to remove records in "-" and "Dead" occurances in PR collumn. so that query result should be MSN PR 13 A 14 B 15 C any help appreciated ...

SQL query to select all columns in a table except two columns

I have a table in ms-access with column names A to H TableA A B C D E F G H how can i write a query to select all columns except B and F columns. Query result should be A C D E G H Do we have something like this select * from TableA except B, F ? ...

SQL query to replace all occurrences of space in a table with underscore

How can I write a SQL query to replace all occurrences of space in a table with underscore without writing individual statements for each column? ...

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in ms access

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in msaccess ? ...

how to combine different objects in ms-access each containing different queries into one object

i have created multiple sequential sql query objects for an ms access database. e.g objectA is named sqlqueryA and contains the sql code Select a, b, ........From TableA objectB is named sqlqueryB and contains the sql code Select a, m, n...... From sqlqueryA objectC is named sqlqueryC and contains the sql code Select x, y...

mysql/php - How to implementing a unique view system?

Introduction I am wondering what is the best way to implement a unique views system... I think I know how, so if I could explain how I think to do it and you point out any mistakes or improvements. obviously I will have to store a log table containing a video id and something which (relatively) uniquely identifies the user. At first I ...

VBA string length problem

Hi, I have an Access application where everytime a user enters the application, it makes a temp table for that user called 'their windows login name'_Temp. In one of my reports I need to query using that table, and I can't just make a query and set it as the recourdsource of the report, since the name of the table is always different. ...

Decent Visual SQL query Builder

I am a code developer, not a DBA, and I tend to get lost with loooong SQL queries, when I use many joins (10 joins is pretty common for me). I would like to find a Visual SQL Query Builder (free if possible) that could connect to Oracle and see all the tables there, so I would only select visually my keys that link the Joins, and selec...

How to write this linq query?

I have a first query that returns a set of entities: var resultSet = ....query....ToList(); which would return A, B, C, D, E The entities inside this set are organized into chains because they have a reference (prevEntityId) pointing to the same type of entity, i.e.: A -> B -> D C -> E I would like to write a second query so that ...

Do link tables need a meaningless primary key field?

I am working on a couple of link tables and I got to thinking (Danger Will Robinson, Danger) what are the possible structures of a link table and what are their pro's and con's. I came up with a few possible strictures for the link table: Traditional 3 column model id - auto-numbered PRIMARY table1fk - foreign key table2fk - foreign ...

MySQL 3 table overlapping query

Hello, another 3 table query here. I have a table reservation, customer_service, and billing. I am trying to select roomtype from reservation and some other fields from billing "ON" r.ID = b.rID and the same for customer_services (shown below). The first part before the union works fine, but when adding the union I get a weird side ...

How do I query exchange for all events on a calendar?

I'm currently writing a room booking diary template for an ASP .Net CMS and I need to be able to retrieve the information from an exchange calendar. Can anyone point me in the direction of some good sample code which lets me query an individual calendar based on a month parameter? Also, is it possible to provide a parameter to the quer...

SQL - Find missing data / negative search

Hi - following on from my other post... I have a table that uses two fields to make a primary key... TravelEventID RemarkNo Keyword Text 0001 1 TVL LOWCOST BOOKING 0001 2 TVL CREDIT CARD USED 0001 3 PSG COST CENTRE REQUIRED 00...

Custom Query Pagination Cakephp

I have a custom query in my controller and I would like to implement the custom query pagination I found on cakephp.org but their example is not similar to mine. Can someone please help me paginate this result in my view: $cars = $this->Car->query(" select Car.id, Car.make, Car.model, Car.year, Car.description, CarImage.thumbnail ...

Sql Query Solution

I have a query as follows. select strftime('%Y-%m',A.traDate) as Month,sum(A.TraAmt) as Total,C.GroupType from TransactionTbl A left join TransactionCategory B on A.CategoryID = B.CategoryID left join CategoryGroup C on B.CatGRoupID=C.CatGRoupID where A.UserID=1 and A.ProfileID=1 and date(A.TraDate) between date('2009-12-01') and dat...

how to hide querystring in asp.net content page?

Hi, i have master-content page scenario.I have a link button on content page. that redirects to other page. but with redirection it carrying the parameters. I want to hide this querystring parameters .I tried with POST() in Form tag of master page . but that does not affecting. What have to do ? ...