
Why quicksort is more popular than radix-sort?

Why quicksort(or introsort), or any comparison-based sorting algorithm is more common than radix-sort? Especially for sorting numbers. Radix-sort is not comparison based, hence may be faster than O(n*logn). In fact, it is O(k*n), where k is the number of bits used to represent each item. And the memory overhead is not critical, since yo...

java programming

hey i am unable to understand the logic and program of Quicksort...can u help... ...

Wrong output in Python - as per my logic

Can someone tell me why my program is working weird. I am trying to sort list1 in ascending order. This code is part of my quick sort program I am trying to write. As per my logic which I am applying in this code, and I checked manually too, the output should be [1,2,3,4,5]. However the output is coming out to be [1,2,2,4,5]. Can you tel...

How to compute the algorithmic space complexity

Hi all: i am reviewing my data structures and algorithm analysis lesson,and i get a question that how to determine to the space complexity of merge sort and quick sort algorithms ? The depth of recursion is only O(lgn) for linked list merge-sort The amount of extra storage space needed for contiguous quick sort is O(n). My th...

Quicksort (JAVA)

Lets say you have an array of size 1,000,000 with randomly generated elements and you want to use quicksort to sort the array. In order to speed up quicksort, it would make sense to stop recursing when the array gets small enough, and use insertion sort instead. In such an implementation, the base case for Quicksort is some value base > ...

Optimal median of medians selection - 3 element blocks vs 5 element blocks?

I'm working on a quicksort-variant implementation based on the Select algorithm for choosing a good pivot element. Conventional wisdom seems to be to divide the array into 5-element blocks, take the median of each, and then recursively apply the same blocking approach to the resulting medians to get a "median of medians". What's confusi...

How to quicksort over multiple columns

I'm looking to quicksort some objects in php. i'm sorting an array of OBJECTS $object->x; $object->y; $object->z; I want to first sort by x, then y, then z. This is my quicksort function Where it accepts an array of jobjects, and sorts by a particular sortkey (x, y, or z column) The function returns a sorted array of objects, that h...

In Java, How do you quicksort an ArrayList of objects in which the sorting field is multiple layers deep?

Basically, I have a Container class called "Employees" which has in it an ArrayList. This ArrayList contains "Employee" objects, which in turn contain "EmployeeData" objects which in turn contain String objects such as "first" or "last" (which are employee names). Here's a diagram of the ArrayList structure: ArrayList[Employee] emps ==...

Quicksort decision tree

I have just spent a couple of hours trying to represent the decision tree for the quicksort algorithm on a set of elements (and I also searched the web). I would like to know what each node actually represents. Is it the comparison between two sets (resulting from the call to Partition)? or just the comparison between two elements of the...

Quick sort Worst case

I am working on the program just needed in the following to understand it better. What is the worst case running time for Quicksort and what may cause this worse case performance? How can we modify quicksort program to miggate this problem? I know that it has worst case O(n^2) and i know it occurs when the pivot unique minimum or maxim...

C# quickSort with random pivot.

Hello! I am trying to modify the heapSort algorithm into version with random pivot , and I dont know what to do. Could any one help me ? This is the code: //QuickSort w C# using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace QuickSort { class Program { //Zamienia miejscami...