
align axes in double plot ggplot R

How can I align the two ggplots in the following function so that the x-axis is corresponding between the table and the graph ? As it is now the interval between the "ticks" is less in the table. Any ideas? //M Edit: Forgot to give credit to the learnr website for the table plotting method.... function ggkm: ggkm<-function(time,event...

Conditional Count of changes over time?

Hi all, I´d like to count the number of changes of binary factor variable. This variable can change from time to time back and forth multiple times for every user id. Now I´d like to count he number of changes per user id to this variable over a given timespan. The data is sorted by id,year,month,myfactor. I tried this in MySQL but ha...

R: Plot multiple lines on the same axis with the average in bold?

I have some data that looks like this: df <- data.frame(time=1:6, a=c(100, 90, 91, 92, 91, 91.5), b=c(99.9, 90.3, 90.9, 91.8, 92, 91.5), c=c(100.3, 88.5, 90.5, 91.5, 91, 91.3)) df <- data.frame(df, mean=apply(df[,2:4], 1, mean)) > df time a b c mean 1 1 100.0 99.9 100.3 100.06667 2 2 90.0 90.3 88.5 89.60000 3 ...

R question - How to extract attributes values from bystat object and place them in variables.

I'm using the bystat function from the Hmisc package in R. How can I extract attribute values and place them into variables. For example, I want to calculate mean and SD for variable aaf and put them in a dataframe or matrix. t <- with(d.aaf,bystats(y=aaf,plot_bid,fun=function(x) { c(Mean = round(mean(x),digits=2),SD = round(sd(...

How to ignore null values in R?

I have a data set with some null values in one field. When I try to run a linear regression, it treats the integers in the field as category indicators, not numbers. E.g., for a field that contains no null values... summary(lm(rank ~ num_ays, data=a)), Returns: Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Int...

Update the dataset in an installed package

Is it possible to update a dataset in a local, installed package? A package that I maintain has a dataset based on periodically-updated data. I would like to update the local version of my dataset and save the changes back to the package such that next time I load the data, i.e. data(xxx), the updated version of the dataset will load. ...

[R] : Run code first time a package is installed or used

Hi All, I am busy writing a package for a customer with little knowledge about R. Given their complex data structure, I need to set up a "data base" within R containing tons of information obtained from a set of spreadsheets they get from another company. As they can't install SQL or so on their computers (ICT has some power control iss...

how to paste the "backslash-dot" (\.)combo in R?

as title, I am working on some gregexpr in R now, I need to search for something start with a dot, so I need to use "." (without quote), but R keep saying that it is an unrecognized escape. What can I do? Thanks! ...

warnings() does not work within a function? How can one work around this?

op <- options(warn=0) #although doesn't work for any value of warn assign("last.warning", NULL, envir = baseenv()) thisDoesntWork<- function() { warning("HEY, this is definitely a warning!") cat(paste("number of warnings:",length(warnings()))) } >thisDoesntWork() Warning in thisDoesntWork() : HEY, this is definitely a warning! numb...

How to merge on a rowname by some column from another data.frame?

I wonder if there is a better way to put two data.frames into one, treating the rownames as if it was a column and then merge by this column with some other data.frame. I know I could do the following df1$rn <- row(df1) all <- merge(df1,df2, by.x="rn", by.y="some_column") I mean this produces redundant data (rownames as column) whi...

Transform a 3D array into a matrix in R

Hi, I'm trying to transform a 3D array into a matrix. I want the third dimension of the array to form the first row in the matrix, and this third dimension should be read by row (i.e., row 1, then row 2 etc... of dimension 3 should make up the first row of the matrix). I've given an example below, where the array has dimensions of 4, 3, ...

how to pick up the last (or whatever) items of all vectors inside a list?

I have a dummy list here: > x <- c("a", "b", "c") > y <- c("d", "e", "f") > z <- list(x,y) > z [[1]] [1] "a" "b" "c" [[2]] [1] "d" "e" "f" If I want to assign another variable (e.g. w) to hold the last item (i.e. "c", "f") of all vectors (i.e. x, y) inside the list (i.e. z), how can I do that? Thanks! ...

Block potentially malicious R calls

Let's presuppose that you have R running with root/admin privileges. What R calls do you consider harmful, apart from system() and file.*()? This is a platform-specific question, I'm running Linux, so I'm interested in Linux-specific security leaks. I will understand if you block discussions about R, since this post can easily emerge in...

Performing GLM within python script on windows 7 64

Dear Stackoverflow users, I'm trying to perform GLM (Generalized linear model) repeatedly within a python script (within a loop). 1- I tried to use Stats within Scipy glm function but description is quite inexistant and I think I did not use it well --> error message "ValueError: only ttest_ind implemented". I searched within stats.py f...

Restrict y-axis range on ggplot+geom_density

I'm using geom_density to plot densities with very thin tails. I want to restrict the y-axis range (so the top of the distribution will be off screen and the tail is more clearly visible) but it's throwing away data that is off-screen when it calculate the density, rather than just not showing what is off screen. E.g. This plots the f...

Random number analysis.

Given a series of randomly generated data how can I figure out how random it actually is? Is R-lang a good tool for this matlab? What other questions can can these tools answer about randomly generated data? Is there another tool better for this? ...

Read null values from file

I need to read a data frame from a file containing NULL values. Here's an example file: charCol floatCol intCol a 1.5 10 b NULL 3 c 3.9 NULL d -3.4 4 I read this file into a data frame: > df <- read.table('example.dat', header=TRUE) But "NULL" entries are not interpreted by R as NULL: > i...

R - iterate over a table?

Hi, I have two tables. Both are read using the read.table() function. Table 1 A B C S1 1 1 0 S2 2 0 NA S3 0 2 1 Table 2 Pa Pb Pc G1 0.12 0.65 0.001 G2 0.34 0.82 0.03 G3 0.2 0.64 0.87 I need to iterate over both tables. Specifically, I need to iterate over table one column-wise an...

iteratively constructed dataframe in Rx

Hi, I'm relatively new to R, and was wondering the most efficient way to iteratively construct a dataframe (one row at a time, the number of iterations "n" and the length of each row "l" are known beforehand). Create empty dataframe, add a row each iteration Preallocate n x l dataframe, modify a row each iteration Preallocate n x l mat...

Pairwise matrix correlations in R - how to iterate through all pairs?

I have 13 matrices of various dimensions that i'd like to use in pairwise matrix correlations with a custom function (that calculates the Rv coefficient). The function takes two arguments (matrix1, matrix2) and produces a scalar (basically a multivariate r value). I'd like to run the function on all possible pairs of matrices (so 78 corr...