
Refactor to replace AjaxControlToolkit or RadAjaxManager

I have inherited a DotNetNuke codebase and have come across areas that have included both the AjaxControlToolkit and the Telerik RadAjaxManager. There are plenty of instances where one is preferred to the other but with only a slight bias towards Telerik in the code base as a whole. I am familiar with the MS Ajax Exentsions but haven't...

Ajaxifying WebParts in a dynamically created WebpartsZone

I'm trying to automatically "ajaxify" (i.e. having the control only update itself on postback) the WebParts on a aspx-page. The WebPartZone which the WebParts are in is dynamically created in the codebehind and it then loads its WebParts based on a personalization-database (all that is handled by EPiServer's class ZoneLowUiImpact, which ...

RadAjaxPanel version of UpdatePanel.Update()?

What can I do with the RadAjaxPanel to force a partial postback and refresh/update all the controls inside it? I used to use an UpdatePanel and call .Update() ...

Execute client Javascript after RadAjax callback.

I have a web form that uses the Telerik RadAjaxManager (via RadAjaxManager proxy) to update a RadGrid based on filter criteria. When the criteria change, I rebind the grid, but now I also want to resize the grid on the client, using JavaScript. How can I cause my JavaScript to be executed when I rebind the grid? The JS code already ex...

How do I get Ajax to work with Telerik DockZone, ListView and DataPager

I'm having a bit of a difficult time trying to figure out exactly how to make a correct Ajax call work with the Telerik DockZone, ListView and DataPager. I'm hoping someone can help out a bit. I am dynamically adding RadDock in code behind to the Zones. Here is code for main page (which I have to restructure soon b/c of lots and lots o...

Telerik RadAjaxManager and Mouse Events in Chrome

Whenever I'm using Telerik's RadAjaxManager in Chrome, the events sent to any mouse events I'm using are passed as null. For instance, the following: <img id="Image1" src="image.gif" onclick="alert(event)" /> <rad:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server"> <AjaxSettings> </AjaxSettings> </rad:RadAjax...

RadAjaxManager Destroys My Design And Move My Controls (In Preview Mode) that are Inside It

hi my dear friends : why radajax manager do this to me ? plz see these pictures beloaw... http://www.2shared.com/file/12426877/11c38fb4/WithOut_RadAjaxManager.html http://www.2shared.com/file/12426799/63a4c800/With_RadAjaxManager.html this problem exists about every control inside radajaxmanager i mean radajaxmanager displaces my c...

RadAjaxManager - how Exclude Ajaxifing -- UPDATED -- Controls?????

hi my dear friends : my ASPX code is like this : http://www12.speedyshare.com/files/22210524/download/ASPX.jpg my c# - code behind code is like this : http://www12.speedyshare.com/files/22210512/download/CodeBehind.jpg at now my CheckBox1 CheckChanged Not work... when i click on checkbox1 it disappears or nothing happens... how can ...

Radcontrols InitiateAjaxRequest

Hi All, I am using RadAjaxManager and initiateAjaxRequest for multiple scenarios on a single page. In my code behind RadAjaxManager1_AjaxRequest(object sender, AjaxRequestEventArgs e) method i parse the argument to handle the correct request using a switch statement. What i'd like to do is be able to control the loading panels for dif...

RadAjaxManager problem when showing/hiding control on page loading

I have the webform with dropdown list, label and textbox. Like below: <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlTest" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true"> </asp:DropDownList> <asp:Label ID="lblTest" runat="server" Text="Some text"> </asp:Label> <asp:TextBox ID="edtTest" runat="server"> </asp:TextBox> I want to show/hide label and text box depending ...

how disable / enable An Ajaxifeid Button From Client Side (JavaScript)

hi my dear friends : i have an AJAXIFIED button(btnsend) thas is disable by it's Property -> Enabled="False" i have a TextBox Next To This Button And I Want Enable that Button When Users Type Something in That TextBox... so i did this (JavaScript): function onkeyupontextbox() { var btnSend = document.getElementById("b...

Fancy Box Within RadAjaxManager and RadSplitter

Spent 10 hours on this so far. Have searched every where and tried everything. I have treeview left hand side of splitter and thumbnail view right hand. I have an AjaxManager controlling the update of the thumbnail view as you click treeview. In Thumbnail View I have my FancyBox. When initially opening webpage and clicking FancyBox, it...