
ASP.Net RadioButton visibility inside a RadioButtonList

Is there a way to hide radio buttons inside a RadioButtonList control programmatically? ...

Trouble with selected radiobuttonlist value on postback

I have a radio button list on a page that is used to configure products. when the page loads the first time the first list of options is displayed. you select one of them then click a "Next Step" button and the page posts back and shows a new radio button list for step 2. Now if i click a "Previous Step" button i can easily get the previ...

What are my options for having the RadioButtonList functionality of ASP.NET in WinForms?

Is this type of control only available in a 3rd-party library? Has someone implemented an open source version? ...

Best design for RadioButtonList usage

I have a problem and i would like to learn the correct way to solve this. I have a Data Objeckt class LinkHolder { public string Text; public string Link; } I would like to present to the user a RadioButton list that uses the LinkHolder.Text value as descriptive text. Then on the postback, i would like to do a Server.Trans...

Calling onclick on a radiobutton list using javascript

How do I call onclick on a radiobutton list using javascript? ...

WPF RadioButton groups in Xaml

In the WPF app we are building, we have 3 groups of RadioButtons in individual StackPanels side by side. We are trying to program the following behavior. When tabbing through the form, we don't want to tab through each of the radiobuttons (standard behavior), instead we would like to tab to the "first" radiobutton in each group and have ...

How do I add Javascript attributes to ASP.NET RadioButtonList items?

I'm trying to add some onmouseover and onmouseout attributes to any of the <input>, <td>, or <label> elements for each ListItem of a RadioButtonList. How do I do this? Here's what I've tried. This does not work... ASPX File... <asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonListPaymentFrequency" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Vertical"...

aspx.vb - How to dynamically create and access RadioButtonLists from code-behind

The answer I'm looking for could be simple, I'm pretty much a beginner in this. Problem is, I barely know the methods and parameters of the RadioButtonList class at all. So perhaps I should be using some other method? If so, please tell me. Here's the situation: I have a stripped down default.aspx page. Aside from a element, almost ALL...

Can I databind (2-way) dynamically generated RadioButtonLists?

I am trying to create a dynamic survey page. The idea seems simple, but trying to implement it in ASP.NET is getting me very frustrated... Each user is linked to an individual list of (multiple-choice) questions. I have the following data tables: Surveys: User | Question | Rank -------+------------+----- user-x | question-x | 1...

What is the best way to see if a RadioButtonList has a selected value?

I am using: if (RadioButtonList_VolunteerType.SelectedItem != null) or how about: if (RadioButtonList_VolunteerType.Index >= 0) or how about (per Andrew Hare's answer): if (RadioButtonList_VolunteerType.Index > -1) To those who may read this question, the following is not a valid method. As Keltex pointed out, the selected valu...

How to disable radiobuttonlist via jQuery

I have a checkbox and radiobuttonlist defined as follows: <asp:CheckBox id="chkChange" runat="server" text="Enable" /> <br /> <asp:RadioButtonList id="rblConsole" runat="server" cssclass="console"> <asp:ListItem text="XBox 360" value="xbox" /> <asp:ListItem text="Playstation 3" value="playstation" /> </asp:RadioButtonList> The...

How can I make my RadioButtonList show up stacked vertically?

I have a RadioButtonList on my .aspx page and I load it in the codebehind. How can I have it show vertically? ...

How can I display text beside each radiobutton when loading a radiobutton list from an enumeration?

I am loading a radiobutton list from an enumeration (vertically displayed). I need to show text that describes each radiobutton selection. I am loading it in the codebehind. ...

How can I enumerate a radiobuttonlist in .NET?

How can I enumerate a radiobuttonlist in .NET? ...

adding description text to a each radio button in my radiobutton list.

Hi, Trying to add some descriptive text to my radio buttons in my radio button list. for some reason the column is SO narrow that the radio button stretches down very long. Is there a way I can format this to look nice? Should I be adding the text to radiobutton.text or somewhere else? ...

ASP.NET RadioButtonList generating extra HTML for a ListItem that contains an image

In my application I have a RadioButtonList: <asp:RadioButtonList runat="server" ID="CardTypeRadioButtonList" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"> <asp:ListItem Value="Visa"> <img src="../images/icon_visa.gif" alt="Visa" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;Visa </asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="MasterCard"> <img src="../image...

RadioButtonList is unchecked after postback

When i clicked a button control on page, my radiobuttonlist is returning back unchecked after postback. <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblSgkOzel" runat="server" EnableViewState="true"> <asp:ListItem Text="SGK Kapsamında" Value="sgk" Selected="True"/> <asp:ListItem Text="Özel" Value="ozel" /> <asp:ListItem Text="Hasta Adın...

Set a CSS class on an ASP.NET RadioButtonList ListItem

Is there any way to set a CSS class on an input item in a radio button list? I'd like to reference these form values by class in jQuery. Given an ASP.NET RadioButtonList with classes set on the ListItems: <asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList" runat="server"> <asp:ListItem class="myClass" Text="Yes" Value="1" /> <asp:Li...

RadioButton list in GridView - 2 way databinding possible??

If I have an ASP.Net RadioButtonList within a TemplateField in a GridView, which is tied to a Data Control, I can get databinding on page loading like so: <asp:RadioButtonList SelectedValue='<%#Eval("RequirementOption")%>'> So when the gridview renders, the user can select an option for each row in the grid. What I'm wondering is...

Jquery get Selected Radio Button from List on page load

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone can post an example of how to get aselected radio button option from an radio button list control via jquery on the loading of a page. Thanks ...