
Adding ListItems to a DropDownList from a generic list

I have a this aspx-code: (sample) <asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="ddList1"></asp:DropDownList> With this codebehind: List<System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem> colors = new List<System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem>(); colors.Add(new ListItem("Select Value", "0")); colors.Add(new ListItem("Red", "1")); colors.Add(new ListItem("Green...

RadiButtonList - client side event goes through on a disabled listitem

I have the following RadioButtonList: <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblCordLevels" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="CordLevel_SelectedIndexChanged" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatLayout="Flow" CssClass="hand"> <asp:ListItem ID="liDraft" Text="Draft &nbsp;&nbsp" Value="1" runat="server" Enabled="false" /> <asp:Li...

Get ListItem Values using JQuery

I'm trying to use JQuery to get the values of the ListItems in an unordered list (see below). The code below is close to working, but it always returns the value of the first ListItem, even if the second one is checked. Thanks, Russ. $(document).ready(function() { $("li").click(function() { $("input:checked")....

Add a "Hyperlink" item type to a list using PowerShell in Sharepoint

I've been a SharePoint admin for a while, and now have been tasked with a bit more of a developer role - which I'm still very much learning. Most things I've been able to figure out on my own or through Google, but this one has me stumped. For one particular task I need to use PowerShell to script adding items to a list. Normally - not ...

Float image right within li of ol, text left, works in Chrome, not IE/FF

I would like to have an ordered list that has the text on the left and an image for each li within it on the right of the li. So I floated the image to the right and it puts the image correctly on the right and text on the left, but the image is 14 pixels too low in IE and FF. Chrome does it right (see images below). This appears to me t...

programmatically add css class to ListItem

I need to produce with controls this structure, but ListItem doesn't allow add properties and classes. What is the best way to do it? <ul> <li class="1">SomeText</li> <li class="2">SomeText2</li> </ul> ...

SharePoint list item permissions

I want to programmatically make it so that users can see only particuar items on the list. Basically in an workflow that runs when an item is created I'm going to do some stuff and notify some people about this item. I also want it to change the permissions on the item so that only particular users (looked up on runtime based on the it...

Set a CSS class on an ASP.NET RadioButtonList ListItem

Is there any way to set a CSS class on an input item in a radio button list? I'd like to reference these form values by class in jQuery. Given an ASP.NET RadioButtonList with classes set on the ListItems: <asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList" runat="server"> <asp:ListItem class="myClass" Text="Yes" Value="1" /> <asp:Li...

Using an event receiver to update an item's 'Title' field.

Hi there. I have written an event receiver that is activated on the 'ItemAdded' event of a 'Pages' list. The code runs fine, but my issue is this - during the call to my Sub ItemAdded, I want to change the value of a field belonging to the current list item (in this case an aspx page). The idea is that I can configure the 'Title' field...

Databind ASP.NET List of ListItem to DropDownList issue

I've just come across this bizarre thing that I was expecting to work in a different (logical) way, but it doesn't. Is it a bug or a "feature"? So there's a DropDownList that I'm populating in the codebehind with a List of ListItem. Each new ListItem gets 2 arguments that, according to the intellisense-provided documentation, correspond...

ListItems attributes in a DropDownList are lost on postback?

A coworker showed me this: He has a DropDownList and a button on a web page. Here's the code behind: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ListItem item = new ListItem("1"); item.Attributes.Add("title", "A"); ListItem item2 = new ListItem("2")...

Hit Testing ... is it possible to test items in a listbox or other items control.

I'm trying to hit test items within a listbox but to no avail. Is it possible? The VisualTreeHelper shows the x,y coordinates returning 0,0 for each and every item within which would seem to rule hit testing out. Does anyone know of a solution or workaround? ...

showing a hidden li on click jquery

Sorry for all the dumb jquery questions I'm still learning and find this to be a GREAT resource! How can I show a <li> on click of a class here is my html <li><a href="#" rel="sample.gif">sample.gif</a> <a href="#" class="edit_project_file"> <img src="images/edit.gif"/></a></li> <li class="edit_project_image" style="display:none;...

Listitml - dataset

Is it possible to convert listItemcollection to dataset? Could you please give code for it? ...

(jQuery) Appending an absolute positiooned element to a list item

I have the following list item that I want to append an 'Edit Settings' button to: <li class="draggableBucketItem ui-state-default" id="bucketItem75" bucketID="2" pageModuleID="75"><span class="spnName">HTML Content</span><li> I use jQuery to append a span to the list item: $('#bucketItem75').append('<span class="spnEditModule">Edit ...

listview select item backcolor

Do I programmatically have to manage the backcolor\highlight color on a Listview's item when selected through code? So if I do this: listView1.Items[1].Selected = true; Do I also need to do this, so it looks highlight, as it does when selected with a mouse click: listView1.Items[1].BackColor = Color.Blue; (and clear it when the select...

Need help with this jQuery animation

Hi, I have a few list items and id like a slide effect between the two items that are being swapped around. This is what I have so far. This animation works the first time around, however after that, the list items that were originally moved have a 'top' value of 0 and I'm not sure why. I think this is the reason but not sure. I've als...

ListItem lazyload AsyncTask image display problem.

I am using listview to display data, inside listview i am using image in every listeitem. I am following this tutorial new Handler().post(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { //Need to subclass to use Asynct...

Android listvitem AsyncTask images overlapping

I am using listview to display data, inside listview i am using image in every listeitem. following method is called from wrapper class public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { // implementation } I am following this tutorial

Android listvitem AsyncTask listitem image dereference

I am using listview to display data, inside listview i am using image in every listeitem. following method is called from wrapper class public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { /*implementation*/ } I am following this tutorial