
android listiem recycle while scroll up or down

I am using complex list item as following to lazy upload image i am loading every list item's image in separate asyntask so that it won't hang the application while loading image. problem comes when i scroll down the list new lisitems image had replace image effect when i drill down i found that for example if by default 5 listitems fi...

Struts 2's inbuit Validations on List items

<s:iterator value="listOfValues" status="row"> <s:textfield name="listOfVoObjects[${row.index}].itemId"/> <s:textfield name="listOfVoObjects[${row.index}].itemName"/> </s:iterator> In this scenario, does anybody know how to do validations on each itemId and itemName in the listOfValues when the form is submitted using the XML v...

How to Get Updates(changed Items) From CheckboxList?

I have a Checkbox list in my page and its datasource set programatically in PreLoad() event: protected void Page_PreLoad() { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { CheckBoxList1.DataSource = NoK.AcceptedNoks((Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey); CheckBoxList1.DataTextField = "FullName"; CheckBoxList1.Data...

UserControl Combined ListItems & ContentTemplate

Is it possible to build a UserControl that takes both ListItems and a ContentTemplate? Something like this: <Custom:UserControl ID="ucTest" runat="server"> <Items> <asp:ListItem Text="Test1" Value="1" /> <asp:ListItem Text="Test2" Value="2" /> </Items> <ContentTemplate> Here is some content!<br/> <asp:Button ID="bt...

Custom Control Not Rendering After Event

I am just playing with custom controls, and have one built that looks like so: <cc:Test ID="jqTestTest01" runat="server" OnTestClick="jqTestTest01_TestClick"> <TestItems> <asp:ListItem Text="Tab One" Value="1" Selected="True" /> <asp:ListItem Text="Tab Two" Value="2" /> <asp:ListItem Text="Tab Thr...

How to force a line break in the listitems of a dropdownlist?

I have a dropdownlist that I already have manually databinding. I currently get the data, loop through each item, and depending on values in the item, change the css for the individual ListItem. For example: foreach (Site mySite in myList) { ListItem li = new ListItem(mySite.FullAddress, mySite.Id.ToString()); ...

How to set DropDownList selected item in markup?

I have a DropDownList in a template column of a GridView control. The GridView is bound to a list of objects. Each object has a property of type int which corresponds to a value in one of the DropDownLists ListItems. I could set the selected item programatically by adding a DataBind event to the drop down, but I'm wondering if there's...

Why is ie7 ignoring the left-margin on my first list item (only)?? In the above landing page, I have an offers box that has four donation buttons. The first three are targeted with individual id's and given a left margin of 13px. All is well in every browser I'm viewing in except ie7. For some reason ie7 is ignoring the left-margin of 13px on th...

removing contents of div using Jquery "empty" doesn't work

I'm trying to remove contents of particular div which are basically list items and a heading by using jquery empty so that I could replace with new contents. What happens when I run the code is, the whole div element blinked and flash the replaced content and then the old one reappear. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong? Here's an ...

I need to rollup an expander AND the stackpanel object it sits on in the window

Here is the code I have and wondered how I could completely rollup the stack, expander and objects within it to push all objects below it to take up the space left after rolling up the upper stack and objects. My current code is below: <Grid> <StackPanel Margin="8,8,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="225"> <Expander Header="Expand...

How do I gain Control of a row in Tabular Layout in Oracle

This might be simple but I am new to Oracle. I am using Oracle 10g and have a form that lists our information from a linked table in a tabular Layout. The last column of data is a "list Item" item type that has the Element list of Enabled (T) and Disabled (F). What I need is when a user changes this dropdown, to disabled, I want ONLY th...

Is there a way to arrange the alignment of List Items (LI) when using an image as a bullet?

I have the following CSS .ul{ list-style-image:url(/images/bullet.png) } My bullet.png is 20 x 20px however it is displaying the text at the bottom of the image while I need to display my text in the middle of the image. Is there a way to assign margins and paddings that move only the text? ...

ASP.NET custom server control: nested items

Hi, In the aspx code view, we can code like this: <asp:ListBox runat="server"> <asp:ListItem Text="Item1" /> <asp:ListItem Text="Item2" /> </asp:ListBox> However, the ListItem class is not a server control. How could we do that in our custom server control? That is, how to develop a ListItem-like class which can make this ma...

Copying List Items from Master List to sub sites

I have a site which contains a custom list Master. I have a number of sub sites which contain copies of this list. When someone edits or adds a new list item to the master list, I would like all sub sites to be updated accordingly by an event handler which is associated with the master list. e.g. if item is added, add it to the list of ...

Showing fields as readonly in Edit Form of List Item in SharePoint

I have a list which has 5 columns in it. Some of these fields help the user fill in the data but I don't want the user to modify these fields. I have tried changing the field to readonly but that ends up hiding the field completely from the form. Is there a way to get the field to render out to the form as just text? Maybe I need to u...

How to properly use the .each() command in jQuery

I have a script that checks the class (integer) of a , runs a switch statement to change that integer value to text and appends the text to another in the same listitem tag. I use the .each() function because each listitem starts with class=_[user ID] -- each user can have up to 5 entries.. Enough explaining -- heres the code: <HTM...

identifying id of listitem for contextmenu

I have a View that extends Activity. A ListView will display a number of listitems. When the user long clicks I would like to present them with a contextmenu allowing them to select edit, delete etc... and then identify the listitem that was selected as the item to perform the action on. In onCreate I have: listView.setAdapter(adapter)...

WPF List - ListItem Visibility

Greetings, I have a FlowDocument where List control is placed. Inside this list I have some ListItem. Is there any way to set some kind of Visibility for specific ListItem? I don't see a coressponding Property like Visibility for ListItem. When I set fontsize="0.1" then application hangs (it goes into infinite loop). ...

Scrollable list items in jQuery

Hi Guys, I have a list of 4 items and the ul has a background image that makes the second item look as though it has an arrow behind it. I want to be able to scroll the items up or down when they are clicked to the second items position so for example when I click the fourth item the whole list scrolls up so the fourth item is then post...

How to use a session variable in the RadioButtonList ListItem text

Hi, I am trying to create a Rediobuttonlist: In the options' text I want to insert a name of organisation which is logged in. I store the name in a Session variable. So if "A" is loggin in I want them to see: no longer a member of A but option1 no longer a member of A but option2 no longer a member of A but option3 If "B" is...