
Where can I find pascal-style railroad diagrams to describe C++ syntax?

(As an alternative to EBNF) ...

Railroad diagram generator fails with "NoMethodError"

After making a few modifications to a rails app I am tinkering on, railroad stopped working. The verbose output gives some clues. I wonder if other folks have encountered this and if there are some pointers for fixing this problem. Is it a data modeling error? Is it a problem with railroad? Error log follows... railroad -vM Loading appl...

railroad balking on application model & admin level controllers

I've just installed railroad and tried to run a couple simple example runs. I have an application model and controller that are causing it some heartburn. There is no real application table - the model is used to load (include) things like the authenication system. The controller sets up the helper_methods, etc. I also have many contro...

What is a good tool for creating railroad diagrams?

I was very impressed by sqlite's syntax diagrams and was wondering if anyone could recommend software which would let me create similar graphs. ...

Tool for generating railroad diagram used on json.org

I love the syntax or railroad diagrams on json.org which are a graphical representation of the BNF language. I haven't found any tools that can produce results as eloquently. Can anyone identify the tool used to generate these diagrams? ...

Railroad diagrams - what do the double bars on the ends mean?

In the json site, the number and string diagrams are book-ended by double bars. What do the double bars mean? ...

Creating diagram of grammar (bison)

Hey, Do you know guys how to create a diagram like following: http://www.svgopen.org/2009/papers/58-Interactive_Documentation_using_JavaScript_and_SVG/oracle_graph.png from bison grammar? ...