How can I see a list of method parameters similar to how you can see methods for a Model/object like:
>> nil.methods
=> ["returning", "inspect", "with_options", "tap", .....
So that I can do:
>> nil.returning.attributes
=> some array or hash
I know I can look up in the code, but sometimes it's just faster for the console
I have seen this behavior on Windows with Ruby for a long time. If I install a gem sometimes the command line will just get "lost" and stop printing output until you go back to the command line and hit enter a few times.
I notice this in other places too. Like starting up a Ruby on Rails console. Or generating a model with Rails.
Have ...
Here's what I've tried:
1. gem install awesome_print
2. echo "require 'ap'" >> ~/.irbrc
3. chmod u+x ~/.irbrc
4. script/console
5. ap { :test => 'value' }
NameError: undefined local variable or method `ap' for #
which is to find out all the Models in the app. This can be found out from the project folders / filenames, or in the route.rb, but just wonder if there is a Ruby way of finding it out on script/console?