
Writing perl6 Programs using Rakudo Star: Can't install on OS X

I'm trying to install Rakudo Star on OS X 10.6, and I've reached the always frustrating point where my build has failed and I'm not sure how to procede. Does anyone here know a way past this? (I'm trying to set this up to write some local perl6 programs, so I'm not sure if The Rules want this on Server Fault or on Stack Overflow, slap me...

Sockets code in Rakudo Perl

I've been trying to run some sockets code in Rakudo Perl (freshly built from the repository at http://github.com/rakudo/rakudo) but the implementation of IO::Socket::INET appears to be incomplete. The code I'm trying to run is here: http://github.com/carlins/irc-client/blob/master/lib/IRC/Client.pm This is the error: Method 'inpu...